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《伐檀》是中学语文教材的传统篇目,各地分析的文章颇多,基本上大同小异。这里,我想就“河水清且涟”“清且直”,“清且沦”等句子提出管见,请同志们指正。我见到的一些分析文章,都说“河水清且涟”等句是指河水清清,波澜荡漾,这自然景物的美好,与奴隶们内心的痛楚形成鲜明的对照。还说《伐檀》的第二章和第三章的内容与结构跟第一章大体相同,因为《伐檀》符合民歌的表现形式:它反复吟唱,一唱三赞。当然,第二章和第三章也并不只是简单的重复,而是思想感情的加深——这种分析,有道理。但因为这篇课文我教过多次,反复吟唱之后,我对上述分析不满意起来。我觉得, “Cutting Tan” is the traditional content of Chinese textbooks for middle schools. There are many articles analyzed around the country and they are basically the same. Here, I would like to put forward my opinion on sentences such as “The river is clean and clear” and “clean and straight” and “clear and straight”. Please ask the comrades to correct me. Some of the analysis articles I have seen have all said that the words “the river is clear and sloppy” means that the river is clear and the waves are vibrant. The beauty of this natural scene contrasts sharply with the inner pain of the slaves. He also said that the contents and structure of Chapters 2 and 3 of “Cutting Sandal” are roughly the same as those of Chapter 1, because “Cutting Tan” conforms to the expression of folk songs: it chants repeatedly and sings three praises. Of course, Chapters 2 and 3 are not just simple repetitions, but deepening of thoughts and feelings. This kind of analysis makes sense. However, because I taught this text several times and repeated singing, I was not satisfied with the above analysis. I think,
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