人民日报2001年7月1日社论《光荣属于中国共产党和中国人民——庆祝中国共产党成立80周年》,是一篇阐述型的纪念性的重要社论。社论所涉及的正是一个分量重。难度大的重大论题。鉴于“七一”社论,作为中央党报的人民日报年年都要与读者见面,天长日久,这就较难跳出老套套写出令人耳目一新的篇章来。然而,此篇却匠心独运,写得令人耐读,称得上登高壮观,远见卓识,理情并茂,耐人寻味,不愧为2001年全国新闻奖一等奖作品。 我以为,这篇社论的成功之处,突出表现在立论好、说理好和文风好这
People’s Daily The editorial on July 1, 2001, “Glory belongs to the CPC and the Chinese People - Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party,” is an elaborate, memorable and important editorial. The editorial involves a heavy weight. A big difficult topic. In view of the editorial in the “1 July”, People’s Daily, the party newspaper of the Central Party, must meet with readers every year. With the passage of time, it is difficult to come up with a refreshing chapter out of old-fashioned sets. However, this article is imaginative, writing is very readable, claiming to ascend spectacular, farsighted, passionate, thought-provoking, worthy of the 2001 National News Prize first prize works. I think the success of this editorial is highlighted by the fact that it is a good argument, a good argument and a good style of writing.