
来源 :中成药研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taylorgil7
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杜仲的传统炮制是将切块干燥的药材,直接投入锅中,用武火加热,使其外表焦黑色,丝易断时,加适量的盐水,炒干取出,为了提高杜仲炮制质量和其美观度,我们采用以下的炮制方法: 一、将杜仲拣净杂质,除去泥土,切成2~3分方块。二、将干燥的杜仲大小分档。三、取分档后的杜仲块加盐水拌匀润透(杜仲与盐的比例为 The traditional concoction of eucommia ulmoides is to cut the dried medicinal herbs directly into the pot and heat them with an overheating flame to make them look black in color. When the silk is easy to break, add proper amount of salt water and stir it out to remove it, in order to improve the processing quality and appearance of Eucommia ulmoides. , we use the following processing methods: First, the Eucommia pick up the net impurities, remove the dirt, cut into 2 to 3 points box. Second, the size of the dried eucommia ulmoides. Third, take the binned eucommia block with salt water and mix thoroughly Runtou (the ratio of Eucommia and salt is
ObjectiveToobservetheefectsofnervegrowthfactor(NGF)onnitricoxide(NO)releaseandconstitutivenitricoxidesynthase(cNOS)geneexpres... ObjectiveToobservetheeffectsofnervegrowthfactor (NGF) onnitricoxide (NO) release and constitutivenitricoxidesynthase (cNOS) g
为了探讨母亲胎儿分娩后脐血的再利用性,我们于1996年8月~12月分别测定了脐血部分物质的含量,并与母体血含量进行了比较,报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 脐血的来源与采集 选择我院产科足月妊
Propoxur is a widely used dithiocarbamate insecticide. In this study, the clastogenic effect of propoxur has been evaluated using chromosomal aberration assay i
制法:用桉树叶洗净拭干,取15公分配适量水煮成一百公撮的煎液,用无菌玻璃瓶贮之。用法:以无菌纱布浸该液后敷在溃疡上面。效用:可以治疗新旧大小汤火伤溃疡,且 Method: Was
48.何谓煅法?目的是什么? 答:煅是将药物直接放在火上烧煅,或放在适宜的容器内在火上烧煅的方法。多数矿物药一般烧煅后还要醋淬。目的:1.药物通过高热处理,改变所含成分的
笔者应用赤小豆、陈醋二药治愈一例表浅动脉血管瘤,兹介绍如下: 处方:赤小豆60克陈醋50毫升治法:赤小豆60克研为细末,加入陈醋调成糊状。将患处用水洗净,根据瘤的大小取一块
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