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古镇幽幽,岁月静好。选一个水碧山秀的小镇,慢慢地,安静地……老去罢。是那种青石板路铺筑的小镇,四合院星子般绵密着,白墙青瓦的小屋围着四四方方的天井,清朗的日光抚过后院小小的假山,还有那块不大的花圃,四角植着桃李,当然少不了瘦竹数枝、老松几棵。圃里自然要种上五色缤纷的花儿,春日里百蕊吐香,夏有荷、秋有菊、 Faint old town, years of quiet good. Choose a water Bishan show the town, slowly, quietly ... ... go to the old strike. Is the kind of bluestone road paved town, Siheyuan as dense as stars, white walls and green tile hut around the square courtyard, the clear light of the sun over the backyard of a small rockery, there is not much Of the flower garden, peach planting four corners, of course, a few thin bamboo branches, a few old pine. In the garden, it is necessary to plant colorful flowers in nature. In the spring, Bai Rui spit incense, summer and Dutch, autumn and daisy,
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