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中国近代史后期始于1919年“五四”运动,止于1949年中华人民共和国成立前。这30年的历史,与近代前期80年的历史相比,从社会性质观察,并没有发生变化,依然是半殖民地半封建社会;从革命进程观察,却发生了巨大变化,无产阶级登上了历史舞台,中国共产党领导的反帝反封建的人民大革命——新民主主义革命成为进步的历史潮流。新民主义革命的胜利,终于使“中国人民从此站起来了”,并走上了发展社会主义的道路。一、新民主主义革命的开始和国民革命运动(1919年5月——1927年7月)从1919年5月到1923年底,是新民主主义革命的开始阶段。由于第一次世界大战和俄国十月革命的影响,中国社会新的政治力量不断壮大,终于促成了具有划时代意义的五四运动。五四运动的第一阶段中心 The late modern Chinese history began in the May 4th movement in 1919 and ended before the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. This 30-year history, compared with the 80-year history of the early modern times, has not changed since it was observed in its social nature. It is still a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. Observed from the revolutionary process, great changes have taken place. The proletariat has entered history. On the stage, the people’s revolution against imperialism and anti-feudalism led by the Communist Party of China—the new democratic revolution has become the historical trend of progress. The victory of the new-ministerial revolution finally made the “Chinese people stand up from here” and embarked on the road to the development of socialism. I. The beginning of the new-democratic revolution and the national revolutionary movement (May 1919 - July 1927) From May 1919 to the end of 1923, it was the beginning of the new-democratic revolution. As a result of the effects of the First World War and the October Revolution in Russia, the new political power in the Chinese society has grown and it has finally contributed to the epoch-making May Fourth Movement. The first phase of the May Fourth Movement
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Na2 O2 与CO2 反应放出O2 ,这是Na2 O2 的重要性质 ,利用它可将Na2 O2 用在呼吸面具上和潜水艇中作为O2 的来源。学生对此很感兴趣 ,都想亲眼目睹CO2 通过Na2 O2 后生成O2 。然而 ,课本上没有这