Analysis of semi-solid response under rapid compression tests using multi-scale modelling and experi

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonzhofpcb
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Simulating semi-solid metal forming requires modelling semi-solid behaviour.However, such modelling is difficult because semi-solid behavior is thixotropic and depends on the liquid-solid spatial distribution within the material.In order to better understand and model relationships between microstructure and behavior, a model based on micromechanical approaches and homogenisation techniques is presented.This model is an extension of a previous model established in a pure viscoplastic framework to account for elasticity.Indeed, experimental load-displacement signals reveal the presence of an elastic-type response in the earlier stages of deformation when semi-solids are loaded under rapid compression.This elastic feature of the behaviour is attributed to the response of the porous solid skeleton saturated by incompressible liquid.A good quantitative agreement is found between the elastic-viscoplastic predicted response and the experimental data.More precisely, the strong initial rising part of the load-displacement curve, the peak load and the subsequent fall in load are well captured.The effect of solid fraction on mechanical response is in qualitative agreement with experiments. Simulating semi-solid metal forming requires modeling semi-solid behavior. Still, such modeling is difficult because of the semi-solid behavior is thixotropic and depends on the liquid-solid spatial distribution within the material. In order to better understand and model relationships between microstructure and behavior, a model based on micromechanical approaches and homogenisation techniques is presented. This model is an extension of a previous model established in a pure viscoplastic framework to account for elasticity .dedeed, experimental load-displacement signals reveal the presence of an elastic-type response in the earlier stages of deformation when semi-solids are loaded under rapid compression. This elastic feature of the behavior is attributed to the response of the porous solid skeleton saturated by incompressible liquid. A good quantitative agreement is found between the elastic-viscoplastic predicted response and the experimental data. More precisely, the strong initial rising part of the load-displacement curve, the peak load and the subsequent fall in load are well captured. the effect of solid fraction on mechanical response is in qualitative agreement with experiments.
The thermodynamic characterization as well as the rheological characterization of the A201 alloy were conducted.Thermodynamic simulations (CALPHAD method) and c
摘 要:稻飞虱是为害水稻最为主要的害虫之一,它的发生和气温、降水、二氧化碳、环境因子的变化等都存在着很大的关系,由于影响的因素不同,所以在为害的防治方面也会有一定的差别,如果不做好水稻稻飞虱的防治就会给水稻的收成带来了极大的影响。众所周知,水稻是世界上大约一半人口的主食,在这个世界上大约有7.5亿的人民都是以稻米为生的,而且稻米的消费者还在以每年约五百万的人口数递增。除此之外,对于亚洲国家来说水稻