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  1. I am sorry I _____ your glasses off the desk when wiping it.
  A. drewB. hitC. struckD. knocked
  A. draw 拖,拉。
  draw a boat out of the water 将小船从水里拉出来;draw the curtain 拉窗帘。
  B. hit 打,击中;碰撞。
  He hit me with his hand. 他用手打了我。He hit the ball with the bat. 他用球拍击球。The falling tree hit a car.倒下的树砸着了小汽车。
  C. strike off 删去,除名;砍除。
  The doctor was struck off for incompetence. 那医生因不称职而被除名。
  D. knock off 打掉,碰下;杀价;下班。
  knock off 10% for cash 支付现金可享受10%折扣;She knocked the vase off (the table ) by accident. 她不小心把花瓶(从桌上)碰了下来。
  2. The store had to ______ a number of clerks because sales were down.
  A. lay outB. lay offC. lay asideD. lay down
  A. lay out 摆出,铺开;安排,布置,设计。
  The gardens are beautifully laid out. 这些花园都设计得很美。
  B. lay off(临时)解雇;停止。
  The factory was laying people off. 工厂正在裁员。Lay off hitting me!别打我了!The doctor advised the managing director to lay off for a couple of days. 医生劝总经理休息几天。
  C. lay aside 把……搁置一边;留存,储存。
  They’ve a little money laid aside for emergencies. 他们存下一点钱以备紧急使用。
  D. lay down放下,交出;规定,制定。
  Lay down your arms,or we’ll fire. 缴枪不杀。
  3. This popular sports car is now being ______ at the rate of a thousand a week.
  A. turned down B. turned out C. turned up D. turned on
  A. turn down关小,调低,拒绝。
  Please turn the television down a bit. 请把电视机音量关小点。to turn down the gas 关小煤气。
  B. turn out制造,生产,结果是;关掉;驱逐。
  We are to turn out 100,000 computers next year to meet the market requirements.我们计划明年生产十万台计算机以满足市场需要。
  C. turn up 开大,调大,出现,来到。
  The party started at 8:00,but she failed to turn up. 晚会8点开始,但她没有到场。
  D. turn on 接通,打开。
  Turn on the gas and light the oven. 打开煤气点燃炉子。
  4. The French pianist who had been praised very highly ______ to be a great disappointment.
  A. turned up B. turned in C. turned out D. turned down
  A. turned up 开大,调大,出现,翻上;来到。
  turn up one’s coat collar 把衣领翻上。
  B. turned in 交还,上交,上床睡觉;内向。
  This is a poor piece of work you’ve turned in. 你交来的作品质量差。It’s late;I think I’ll turn in. 天晚了,我该就寝了。
  C. turned out 制造,生产,结果是;关掉;驱逐。
  It turned out that this young man was none other than the old man’s son. 此年轻人竟然是这个老人的儿子。
  D. turned down 关小,调低,拒绝;翻下。
  to turn down the gas 关小煤气;turn down one’s coat collar 把衣领翻下。
  5. Mary is in bed with a fever and she can’t hope to ____ the cold in a few days.
  A. get overB. get awayC. get offD. get out
  A. get over 复原,恢复;克服(障碍、困难、窘迫、困惑等)。
  Can we get over this difficulty?我们能克服这个困难吗? You’ll beglad to get your operation over. 手术做完了你一定会高兴的。
  B. get away 离开,度假;逃脱惩罚;接受(小处罚)。
  Thieves robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money. 窃贼抢劫了银行,带着许多钱逃跑了。
  C. get off 出发,动身,逃脱惩罚;下马,下车。
  We must be getting off now. 现在我们必须出发了。The boy got off the bike. 男孩下了自行车。
  D. get out(消息、秘密等)被人知道;泄露;离开。
  The secret got out. 秘密被泄露了。I’d better get out before I’m thrown out. 我最好在被赶出去之前离开。
  6. When I was very young,I was terribly frightened of school,but I soon ______ it.
  A. got offB. got acrossC. got awayD. got over
  A. get off 逃脱惩罚。
  You won’t get off so easily next time. 下次你就不能这么容易地逃脱了。
  B. get across 穿过(桥、河、边境等);使被理解。
  Did your speech get across to the crowd?你的演说听众理解吗?Only half the company got across the bridge before it was blown up. 只有半连的士兵过了桥,桥就被炸掉了。
  C. get away 离开,逃脱惩罚。
  If you cheat in the exam you’ll never get away with it. 如果你在考试中作弊,你是逃脱不了惩罚的。
  D. get over 复原,恢复;克服(障碍、困难、窘迫、困惑等)。
  get over one’s shyness / nervousness / disappointment 克服羞涩 / 紧张 / 失望。
  7. When Mr. Jones gets old,he will _____ over his business to his son.
  A. takeB. handC. thinkD. get
  A. take over 接受,接管;承袭,借用。
  The Japanese have taken over many European ways of life. 日本人袭用了不少欧洲人的生活方式。
  B. hand over 移交,交出。
  The thief was handed over to the police. 小偷被移交给了警察。
  C. think over 仔细考虑。
  Please think over what I’ve said. 请仔细考虑我说的话。
  D. get over 克服,解决(问题等);从(疾病、失望等)中恢复过来。
  It took me a long time to get over my cold. 我的感冒过了很久才好。
  8. A lorry _____ Jane’s cat and sped away.
  A. ran over B. ran into C. ran through D. ran down
  A. run over 在……上驶过,碾过;很快粗略地看一遍。
  Two children were run over at that road junction last month.上月,两个孩子在交通路口被车压了。
  B. run into 偶见,撞在……上;遭遇(困难等)。
  She ran her car into a tree while reversing. 她倒车时,把车撞倒了树上。
  C. run through 贯穿,匆匆阅读;排练;挥霍。
  A feeling of sadness ran through his poetry. 伤感充斥了他的整个诗篇。
  D. run down(用车)撞倒;贬低;减少;查找出;逐渐停止。
  The coal industry is being run down. 煤矿工业正逐步停产。
  9. The speaker _____ his notes before the lecture.
  A. ran downB. ran intoC. ran overD. ran out
  A. run down 无情的批评,毁谤。
  She’s always running her husband down in public. 她总是公开诋毁她的丈夫。
  B. run into 巧遇,偶尔碰见。
  I ran into my old school friend at the supermarket this morning. 今天早上,我在超市偶遇我的老校友。
  C. run over(快而粗略地)看一遍;浏览,匆匆一读。
  Just run over my lines with me before the rehearsal begins. 排练前,跟我快速对一遍台词。
  D. run out(of){1}用光;耗尽。{2}(契约、合同)过期,失效。
  Though they are running out of food and drink,the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon. 他们虽然已经水尽粮绝,但情绪都很好,并且深信他们很快就会出来的。
  The lease on their London flat runs out in a few months. 他在伦敦的公寓租约几个月后就要到期了。
  10. The new comers found it impossible to _____ themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.
  A. suitB. adaptC. regulateD. coordinate
  A. suit 适合,中……的意。
  That dress suits you. 那套衣服你穿起来挺合适。suit ... to 使……适合于;The soil is suited to the cultivation of oranges. 这种土壤适合于种植柑橘。
  B. adapt(to)使适应,修改。
  He adapted himself to the cold weather.他适应了寒冷的天气。When he moved to Canada,the children adapted to the change very well. 他移居去了加拿大,这样的变化孩子们适应得很好。The movie was adapted from a novel. 这部电影是由小说改编的。
  C. regulate 管制,控制,调节,校准。
  regulate a clock 把钟对准;regulate the temperature of a room 调节室内温度;regulate the traffic 管理交通。
  D. coordinate 调整,整理,协调。
  to coordinate one’s movements in swimming游泳时使动作协调;Our efforts need to be further coordinated for higher efficiency. 为了获得更高的效率我们的工作需要进一步协调。
  11. Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject,he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _____ to his confusion.
  A. extended B. amounted
  C. added D. turned
  A. extend to 扩展到,延伸到。
  extend an invitation to sb. 邀请某人;His power extends to other lands. 他的权力扩张到别国。
  B. amount to 合计,共计;(在意义、价值等方面)赞同,接近。
  Their traveling expenses amount to seven hundred dollars. 他们的旅费共达700美元。His debts amount to over $3,000. 他的欠债总数已达三千多美元。Your words amount to a refusal. 你的话等于回绝了。
  C. add to 增加,增添。
  Add a few more names of laborers to the list. 名单上再加上几个工人的名字。add fuel to the flame 火上加油;Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night. 焰火使节日的夜晚更加生色。
  D. turn to 求助于,求救于,查阅。
  We often turn to this handbook for information on transistors. 我们常从这本手册中查阅有关晶体管的资料。
南京云锦因其绚丽多姿,美如天上云霞而得名,至今已有1580年历史。南京云锦与成都的蜀锦、苏州的宋锦、广西的壮锦并称“中国四大名锦”。东晋末年,长安的百工全部迁到了 Na
从1997年ERP传入中国,到2001年“企业要上ERP”的口号响遍大江南北,再到2003年“ERP过时了”的论调、“上ERP找死,不上ERP等死”的流言此起彼伏…… 面对信息化产业的虚热,
为什么年年抓质量年年质量差 这是一家典型的国有机械配件制造企业,在1999年以前由于市场销路很好,内部的管理混乱、废品率居高不下等因素没有引起管理者的足够重视。近几年
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当比赛司仪最后宣布完冠军名单时,礼堂内初三(3)班的坐席上一阵欢呼,大家起立齐声呼喊着“杨紫轩”的名字并且不停鼓掌。站在舞台中央准备领奖的杨紫轩望着那一片热情的海洋,微笑着流下了眼泪。  可是,有一个人却不在那片海洋里。他是展翔,那个个头高高,有着浓眉大眼的男生。  还记得一个月前……  班主任李老师夹着教案,匆匆走进班里说:“同学们,刚才通知每个班准备一首歌曲,参加下个月的全校‘迎奥运’歌唱比赛