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目的评价蚌埠市麻疹监测系统现状,探讨预防控制措施,为促进消除麻疹提供依据。方法用描述性流行病学方法,分析麻疹个案调查表及中国免疫规划监测信息管理系统等有关数据,评价和分析麻疹监测现状及流行特征。结果2008年麻疹监测系统共发现麻疹疑似病例432例,确诊346例,比疫情网络直报系统少15.81%。麻疹疑似病例7天内报告率97.92%、48h调查率99.31%、合格标本采集率50.69%。2008年麻疹发病率10.15/10万,较2007年(发病率3.91/10万)大幅度升高。病例以本市人口为主,占92.20%;流动人口病例占7.80%,以外省流入人口为主。<8月龄儿童占较大发病构成(20.23%);346例麻疹病例,有、无、不详免疫史构成分别为5.78%、66.18%和28.04%;8月龄~1岁组、1~2岁组病例有明确免疫史儿童数分别占该年龄组病例数3.85%、12.28%。27例流动人口病例、8月龄~1岁组、2岁及以上各组病例均无明确免疫史。结论应进一步完善麻疹监测系统,提高系统的敏感性和适龄儿童疫苗接种的及时性,关注流动人口麻疹防控,强化主动性意识。建议修改麻疹疫苗免疫程序。 Objective To evaluate the status of measles monitoring system in Bengbu City and to explore preventive and control measures to provide the basis for eliminating measles. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze measles case questionnaire and China immunization program monitoring information management system and other related data to evaluate and analyze the status of measles surveillance and epidemiological characteristics. Results A total of 432 measles cases were detected in measles surveillance system in 2008, of which 346 cases were confirmed, which was 15.81% less than the direct reporting system of epidemic situation. Suspected cases of measles within 7 days reporting rate of 97.92%, 48h investigation rate of 99.31%, qualified sample collection rate of 50.69%. The incidence of measles in 2008 was 10.15 / 100,000, significantly higher than that in 2007 (the incidence was 3.91 / 100,000). The majority of the cases were from the city’s population, accounting for 92.20% of all cases; the floating population accounted for 7.80% of cases, mainly from other provinces. <8 months of age children accounted for a greater incidence of constitution (20.23%); 346 cases of measles, with, no, unknown immune history constitute 5.78%, 66.18% and 28.04%; 8 months old to 1 year old group, 1 to 2 The number of children in the age group with a clear history of immunization accounted for 3.85% and 12.28% of the cases in this age group respectively. 27 cases of floating population, 8 months to 1 year old group, 2 years of age and above each group of cases no clear history of immunity. Conclusion The surveillance system for measles should be further improved to improve the sensitivity of the system and the timely vaccination of school-age children. Attention should be paid to the prevention and control of measles in floating population, and the sense of initiative should be strengthened. Proposed to amend the measles vaccine immunization program.
The 21st China’s Century? Qiguang Zhao, et al. 124 pages, paperback RMB 48 Published by Dolphin Books Co. Ltd. in December 2012 THE 21st China’s Century? is a
目的了解广西乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)性传播状况。方法对我们2004年建立的隆安研究队列HBsAg无症状携带者的配偶采静脉血收集血清,用酶联免疫吸附试验检测HBV血清学标志物。结果 2