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为便于各公营企业编制劳动计划时计算工资总额,以及便于各公私企业行政方面或资方按照中华人民共和国工会法、中华人民共和国劳动保险条例及救济失业工人暂行办法之规定缴纳工会经费、劳动保险金及失业救济基金起见,特对工资总额组成作如下规定:一、凡由各企业行政方面或资方对其所雇用的在册人员所支的工资(包括以其他形式支付的工资在内),均应包括于工资总额之内。在册人员包括下列各项人员:(一)生产工人,(二)徒工及见习工人,(三)工程及技术人员,(四)管理人员,(五)勤杂人员,(六)消防警卫人员。注:私营企业中资方及资方代理人之一切收入均不应计算在内。 In order to make it easy for public enterprises to calculate the total amount of wages when preparing a labor plan and to facilitate the administration of various public and private enterprises or employers to pay labor union funds and labor insurance benefits in accordance with the provisions of the PRC Trade Union Law, the Labor Insurance Regulations of the People’s Republic of China and the Interim Measures for Relieving Unemployed Workers And the unemployment benefit fund, the following provisions shall be made specifically on the composition of the total wage: 1. Where wages (including wages paid in other forms) to be paid by the administrative staff of the enterprises or by the employers for the employees they hire should be Included in the total salary. The list of officers includes the following persons: (1) production workers, (2) apprentices and trainees, (3) engineering and technical personnel, (4) management personnel, (5) diligent personnel, and (6) fire guard personnel. Note: All incomes of Chinese-owned and employers-owned agents in private enterprises should not be counted.
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