Learning Historical Figures In The Legends Of The Three Kingdoms

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccx1942
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  The Legends of the Three Kingdoms is a card game that is based on three kingdoms period of Chinese history, combined with identity clue. Since it was released in 2009, The Legends of the Three Kingdoms has increasingly being improved and the quality of game is getting better. It’s one of most classical games with three kingdoms as theme now. The design of characters in this game is wonderful because they are close to historical figures, whether on image or on their skills.
  Liu Bei
  One of skills of Liu is kindness.During play phase you may give any amount of hand cards to another hero and you regain 1 life if the total amount of cards given is more than or equal to 2. Another skill is goad that heroes from “SHU” can supply a “Strike” for you when needed.
  There are 27 generals in standard edition of The Legends of the Three Kingdoms and their different features reflect real characters in the history. In this game, you will find its essence and entertainment if you place yourself in the heroes’ position and make full use of your cards.
  classical adj.经典的,古典的
  treasure n.宝藏 vt.珍惜;重视
  humane adj.仁爱的,慈善的
  reign n.君主统治时期,任期
  succeed vt. 继承,继任
  military adj.军事的
  刘备 (161-223),字玄德,三国时期蜀汉开国皇帝。他为人谦和、礼贤下士,知人善用,素以仁德为世人称赞,是三国时期著名的政治家。其著名典故有:三顾茅庐、白帝托孤、桃园结义。
  孙权 (182-252),字仲谋,三国时代东吴的建立者。虽然孙权是继承父兄的基业,但从他在位期间实行屯田,发展经济,促进江南土地开发的行为,也可以看出其拥有卓越的治国才华。辛弃疾词中曾感叹:“生子当如孙仲谋。”
摘 要:击剑运动有助于提高高中艺术类学生的塑性、自信、果敢等综合素质。本文将通过击剑运动课程在艺术高中教学的现状,来分析高中艺术类学生在学习击剑运动过程中存在的问题,并根据这些问题提出有建设性的解决方案,使击剑运动课程在艺术高中教学中有更好的发展。  关键词:现状分析;击剑课程;改变策略  中图分类号:G633.96 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)12-048-1  一、
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【回旋曲式】Rondo form(英)乐曲形式之一。主题反复三次以上,在主题之间插入不同的对比性乐段,称“回旋曲式”,图式为:A(基本乐段)+B(第一插段)+A+C(第二插段)+A……即两个
1 强化广大医务人员的档案意识 档案意识是人们主观上对档案及档案工作的了解程度和认识水平。目前,部分医务人员档案意识淡薄问题仍然普遍存在。不知道档案是何物,档案工作
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