
来源 :中国饲料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javapages
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<正> 日粮中可供畜禽吸收利用的微量元素之间如果不平衡,会使畜禽的生产能力下降,但不出现明显的临床症状,这种现象被称为:“亚临床性微量元素营养不
The improved tumoricidal effect of the radioantibody mixture (“cocktail”)has been reported recently for the treatment of colon tumor.In the present study,we d
<正>We have identified several key events in thymocyte apoptosis over the past few years, including a required role for proteasome function and the production o
在商品生产条件下,以0、62.5、125、250g/T 的量在饲料中添加盐酸氨丙啉,饲喂“星杂579”肉、蛋兼用型雏鸡56天。停止添加氨丙啉后0、12、24、48、72和120小时屠宰并取鸡组织
While studying the neural precursor cell intermediate filament protein known as nestin in the developing mouse brain,we observed a strong cross-reaction of our
The developmental stage-specific silencing of the human ε-globin gene during embryonic life is controlled,in part,by the silencer (-392bp- -177bp) upstream of
本文通过对中亚国家独立十年来的民族社会结构分化与社会整合等问题的探讨 ,揭示了中亚各国在独立道路上所遇到的困难与波折 ,分析了中亚各国的社会发展情况。从社会结构的分
<正> 在虾饲料生产中,要加工出粒度最适宜的粉料,存在几个技术难题,有待解决。一、生产粉粒均匀的耐水颗粒要生产出均匀耐水的虾用颗粒饲料,粉料混合质量必须很高,其混合变异
We applied the technique of mRNA differential display to normal liver tissue and hepatoma cell line Hep3B.One of the isolated cDNA clones was expressed in human