Development of Cutting Condition Monitoring System for ID-blade Saw Slicing Machine

来源 :黑龙江科技学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cuifangcuifang
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The purpose of this study is focused on development of an online monitoring system for measuring and evaluating the cutting condition as the ID-blade saw is cutting a silicon ingot. First, the cutting experiments are carried out and the cutting signals during the blade slicing a six-inch ingot are measured by a 3-axes load sensor which is mounted on the top of the ingot. To evaluate the blade condition in slicing, a novel data processing method, combining the discrete Fourier transform(DFT) with the discrete Wavelet transform(DWT), is proposed in this paper for extracting the components due to the rotation of the blade and the cutting impedance. To validate the effect of the method, four ID-blades with three different types of the blade edge are used and discussed. The obtained results show that the component induced from the rotation and the component due to the blade slicing can be extracted efficiently by introduction of the proposed method. Furthermore, a simple online monitoring system,which consists of a 3-axes load sensor or acceleration sensor, DC cuts high-pass filter, and AD converter embedded microcomputer, is designed. The estimated cutting condition information obtained from the proposed monitoring system can be used as a feedback signal to the slicing machine for production of high quality wafer.
即将迎来15岁生日的女儿,在生日前晚和父母大吵一架。母亲一气之下,扇了女儿一耳光。当天半夜,女儿离家出走。母亲带着愧疚心情,写了一封给女儿的信:    现在是凌晨,我坐在这里,想着你会去哪里,希望你安全。自打你离开,我便无法入睡。  我也曾经是个15岁的女孩儿,也曾跟我的父母吵得不可开交。那时,我还发过誓,如果将来我有女儿,我会做一个比我母亲好上100倍的妈妈!善解人意,富有耐心,和蔼并且理智,我
构造了一个超扭化Dirac算子并对其进行了适当形变 .利用Shubin处理关于形变的deRham Hodge算子的Novikov不等式的方法 ,得到了计算该算子指标的一个公式及形变算子的Novikov型不等式 .特别地 ,得到了一般向量丛的Hopf定理一个纯解析的证明 .
【摘要】由于教学的绝大部分时间是在教室进行的,实验室闲置时间较多,这就给学生提供了很多、很好的实验时空资源,合理地利用实验室的时空资源,可以改善学生实验不足、被动和实验内容单一等现状,改善物理实验在物理教学中作用,提高物理实验教学的有效性。  【关键词】物理实验;分组实验;时空资源;通用技术      物理是一门以实验为基础的学科,实验室是教师和学生通过物理实验进行物理科学知识学习的场所,是实施探
例1 如图1所示,在水平面上固定一倾斜角为θ的光滑斜面,一劲度系数为k的绝缘轻质弹簧的一端固定在斜面底端,整根弹簧处于自然状态.一质量为m的滑块从距离弹簧上端为s0处由静