Matching Performance among Visible and near Infrared Coating,Low Infrared Emitting Coating and Micro

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangxiaoxi21
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The matching performance among the visible and near infrared coating, the low infrared emitting coating and the microwave absorbing coating was investigated.Experimental results show that the resulting material is characteristic of wideband effect ranging from the visible, near infrared and 3-5 μm, 8-14 μm infrared portion of the spectrum, as well as the radar region from 8 to 18 GHz when these three materials form a layer-structure material system.The microwave absorbing ability of material is hardly changed. The resonance peak moves towards lower frequency as the thickness of the visible, near infrared coating and the low infrared emitting coating increases. This problem can be resolved by controlling the thickness of the material. On the other hand, the infrared emissivity ε of the material system increases as the thickness of the visible, near infrared coating increases. This can be resolved by increasing infrared transparency of the visible and near infrared topcoating or controlling its thickness.The experimental resulting material system has spectral reflection characteristics in visible and near infrared regions that are similar to those of the natural background. The matching performance among the visible and near infrared coating, the low infrared emitting coating and the microwave absorbing coating was investigated. Experimental results show that the resulting material is characteristic of wideband effect ranging from the visible, near infrared and 3-5 μm, 8 -14 μm infrared portion of the spectrum, as well as the radar region from 8 to 18 GHz when these three materials form a layer-structure material system. The resonance peak moves toward lower frequency as the thickness of the visible, near infrared coating and the low infrared emitting coating increases. This problem can be resolved by controlling the thickness of the material. On the other hand, the infrared emissivity ε of the material system increases as the thickness of the visible This can be resolved by increasing infrared transparency of the visible and near infrared topcoating or contr olling its thickness. The experimental resulting material system has spectral reflection characteristics in visible and near infrared regions that are similar to those of the natural background.
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