蘑菇在生长发育过程中,由于受到不良环境因素的影响,易使正常的生理功能受阻,产生各种病态反应,导致产量下降,品质低劣,给生产造成严重的损失。常见的生理性病害有如下几种:1、菌丝徒长 常发生于蘑菇覆土调水以后,由于菇房温度高、湿度大,通风换气不良,绒毛状菌丝大量冒出土层
Mushrooms in the process of growth and development, due to adverse environmental factors, easy to make the normal physiological function blocked, resulting in a variety of pathological reactions, resulting in reduced yield, poor quality, causing serious losses to production. Common physiological diseases are as follows: 1, mycelium legally occurs in the mushroom casing water, due to Mushroom Room temperature, humidity, ventilation poor, a large number of villous mycelium emerge from the soil