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李嘉诚1.3亿人民币四川地震灾害牵动港人的心。香港多个社团及商业机构,纷纷发起捐款救助地震灾民。香港商界名人李嘉诚十三日下午通过中央驻港联络办以李嘉诚基金会的名义,向四川地震灾区捐助三千万元人民币赈灾。加上此后追加的一亿元累计捐款1.3亿元。教育部对李嘉诚先生的义举表示衷心的感谢,并要求有关部门,积极配合李嘉诚基金会,帮助接受赠款的受灾学校做好灾后重建工作。 Li Ka Shing 130 million yuan in Sichuan earthquake affecting Hong Kong people’s heart. Many community organizations and commercial organizations in Hong Kong have initiated donations to help earthquake victims. On the afternoon of the 13th, Hong Kong business community Li Ka-shing donated 30 million yuan to the quake-hit areas in Sichuan on the afternoon of the 13th through the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong on behalf of the Li Ka Shing Foundation. Plus an additional 100 million yuan since the cumulative donations 130 million yuan. The Ministry of Education expresses its heartfelt thanks to Mr. Li Ka-shing for his offer of deeds and requests the relevant departments to actively cooperate with the Li Ka Shing Foundation to help disaster-hit schools that receive grants do a good job of post-disaster reconstruction.
When green plums were in season, we paid a visit to Longquan, the ancient capital of celadon in China. Dayao Village is where workshops and kilns are located.
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目的 探讨巩膜层间引流池加用丝裂霉素C治疗难治性青光眼的临床疗效。方法采用巩膜层间引流池应用丝裂霉素C治疗难治性青光眼44例(50眼)。术后对眼压、视力、前房、滤过泡形态进行观察。随访6-15个月,并总结分析疗效。结果 44例50眼中44眼眼压〈21 mmHg,成功率在88.0%;3眼眼压22-24 mmHg,无任何自觉症状。2眼眼压在25-30 mmHg,有自觉症状,需用降眼压药物维持。总有效率
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