
来源 :海洋地质与第四纪地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjw909
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南海是西太平洋最西部的边缘海,近年来由于海上普查勘探工作迅速开展,正在成为我国最重要的海上石油勘探开发基地.因而对南海成因的探讨,不仅对西太平洋边缘海的成因理论有所裨益,而且对解释大陆边缘沉积盆地的生成发展、评价油气远景,也有现实意义.七十年代以来,人们多用板块理论把南海解释为扩张形成,尽管扩张模式繁多(多次扩张、微扩张、三联点扩张、裂谷扩张……),扩张时代各说不一,但多数引用了南海海盆东西向地磁条带,将南海视为中渐新世-早中新世南北向扩张而成的弧后盆地.只是谢继哲工程师1982年在“对南海成因问题的探讨一文中,把南海成因首先归于“在张应力场控制下的地幔上蚀”. The South China Sea is the westernmost marginal sea in the western Pacific Ocean and has become the most important offshore oil exploration and development base in China due to the rapid development of maritime census and exploration in recent years.Therefore the exploration of the causes of the South China Sea not only has its origin in the theory of the marginal sea in the western Pacific It is also of practical significance to explain the genesis and development of the sedimentary basins on the margin of the continental margin and to evaluate the future of oil and gas. Since the 1970s, people used the plate theory to explain the expansion of the South China Sea as a form of expansion despite numerous expansion modes (multiple expansion, micro expansion, Point expansion and rift expansion ...). Although the times of expansion were different, most of them cited the east-west geomagnetic stripe of the South China Sea basin and regarded the South China Sea as the arc formed after the mid-Oligocene-Early Miocene expansion of the South China Sea In 1982, Xie Xizhe, an engineer, first described the cause of the South China Sea as “erupting in the mantle under the control of a tensile stress field” in his article “A Study on the Causes of the South China Sea.”
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