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准确、鲜明、生动地解释词的含义,是提高小学生的阅读能力和写作水平的一项重要工作。 教师解词时,要注意结合整个句子、上下文的具体情况,掌握“词不离句”的原则,科学地讲清词的语法意义和思想意义。讲多义词既要讲清本义,还要酌讲引申义或比喻义。例如“咆哮”,本义是“猛兽怒吼”,比喻义是“人发怒喊叫”或“水势汹涌澎湃”。解词,要针对不同年级学生实际,做到深浅详略得当,具体形象感人,切忌从概念到概念,越解越难。例如,把“锋利”解为“锐利”,这就越解越使学生难于理解了。 解词方法是否得当,对学生能否深入理解和正确运用所解释的词有很大关系。我常常采取如下方法解词。 Accurate, vivid and vivid interpretation of the meaning of words is an important task for improving primary school students’ reading ability and writing skills. When a teacher solves a word, he must pay attention to the specific conditions of the whole sentence and context, grasp the principle of “words never leave sentences,” and scientifically clarify the grammatical and ideological meanings of words. Speaking polysemy, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the original meaning, but also to deduce the concept of extension or metaphorical meaning. For example, “roaring”, the original meaning is “beasts roar”, metaphorical meaning is “human anger shouting” or “surge of surging water.” The solution of words, to different grades of students in practice, to do a detailed and appropriate depth, the specific image of moving, avoiding the concept to the concept, the more difficult to solve. For example, “sharpness” is interpreted as “sharpness”, and the more it solves, the more difficult it is for students to understand. Whether or not the method of solving a word is appropriate has a lot to do with whether or not a student can deeply understand and use the explained word correctly. I often use the following method to solve the word.
(1)时,大风雪①,旌旗裂,人马冻死者相②望。(《李恕雪夜人蔡州》,第三册) 注:①风雪:风、雪,都用如动词,当“刮风”、“下雪”讲。②相,不作“互相”解,而是表示活着的人对“
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