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1987年党的十三大决定在我国政府机关系统推行国家公务员制度后,从1988年下半年开始,作为负责建立和推行国家公务员制度的职能部门——国务院人事部,在党中央和国务院的领导下,有计划、有领导地相继在国家审计署、国家环境保护局、建设部等五个国务院部门和广东、福建两个省级政府以及深圳、广州等八个市级政府展开了实施国家公务员制度试点工作,并从今年元月份起,在全国所有政府机关新录用人员和晋升工作人员职务时,即按照建立和推行国家公务员制度的计划和有关办法进行,并且计划分两个阶段,用十年左右的时间,在全国全面推行国家公务员制度。这是我国干部人事制度改革的最重大的步骤,是国家政治体制改革的重点。它对于保证全国经济体制改革深入、顺利地发展,推进政治体制的全面改革,促进全国各项改革事业的发展,都将具有十分重大而深远的意义。本文想就如何建立具有中国特色的国家公务员制度问题,谈点个人浅见,以求教于同行专家学者。 After the Party’s 13th National Assembly decided to implement the system of state civil servants in the system of government in 1987, starting from the latter half of 1988, as the functional department responsible for establishing and implementing the national civil servant system, the personnel department of the State Council, the leaders of the Party Central Committee and the State Council Under the plan, have led the succession of the State Department of Audit, the State Environmental Protection Administration, the Ministry of Construction and other five State Department departments and two provincial governments in Guangdong and Fujian, as well as Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other eight municipal government launched the implementation of the national civil service System of pilot work, and from January of this year, all the new government agencies in the country recruits and promotion of staff positions, that is, in accordance with the establishment and implementation of the national civil service plans and related methods, and plans to be divided into two phases, with ten Years or so, the full implementation of the national civil service throughout the country. This is the most important step in the reform of the cadre and personnel system in our country and the focus of our country’s political restructuring. It will have great and far-reaching significance in ensuring the deepening and smooth development of the national economic reform, advancing the comprehensive reform of the political system and promoting the development of all the cause of the reform in the country. This article wants to talk about how to establish a national civil servant system with Chinese characteristics and to learn from peers and scholars.
介绍了几种现代组合式飞艇的结构与性能参数,包括直升机组合飞艇、飞航式飞艇和盘翼式飞艇;对现代组合飞艇的开发前景作出展望。 The structural and performance parameters
千年以来,多少圣哲贤达,照着圣经说,也接着圣经往下说。你跟今天的人谈信仰,只照着千多年前的老本子说是不够的,还有“接着说”的需要,这叫做“离经而不叛道”。  林语堂先生说,传道人在教堂里的证道演讲是“装在箱子里的信仰”。以我的理解,大概是说布道的内容是制式的,封闭的,主观设定,不问你的兴趣和需要,你必须照单全收,不能挑拣。  箱子是个妙喻,也是很客气很文雅的说法。我的修辞稍嫌粗野,既然圣经是灵粮,
<正> 行政法制是现代民主的产物,行政法制与专制是不相容的。在专制制度下,政府〈君主〉是国家的主人,国家是政府的,国家的一切权力属于政府,老百姓只是政府的臣民、奴仆,可以由政府任意统治、压迫、屠宰,在这种制度下,统治者政府当然不愿意受法律的约束,不愿意依法办事,不愿意受它统治的人民监督,不愿意对人民承担自己违法侵权行为的责任,更不愿容忍普通老百姓控告自己,和老百姓一起上法庭去争论