
来源 :中国德育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bian123
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“明德讲堂”栏目的设计思路是想多层次、多维度地讨论道德教育。每个不同的视角,都如同一盏灯,它们交织地投射在道德教育这块园地里,为我们认识和理解道德教育提供自己独特的贡献。基于这样的认识,我们从2005年10月推出“明德讲堂”系列讲座,在此基础上成文,希望把这种声音传到更远的地方去。之所以采取讲堂的形式,是因为我们相信,道德先于知识产生,价值传递浸润在生活的土壤中,口耳相传、口头宣讲比书面语言具有更直接的道德影响力量。希望“明德讲堂”能够成为一个平台、一个窗口,能够在社会各界的关注和支持下,积累一批有学术含量和社会影响力的高水平讲座,以飨读者。 The design of the column of “Matilda Lecture” is to discuss ethical education in a multi-level and multi-dimensional manner. Each different perspective is like a lamp, and they are intertwined in the field of moral education. They provide unique contributions to our understanding and understanding of moral education. Based on this understanding, from October 2005 we launched the “Mingde Lecture” series of lectures on the basis of written, hoping to spread the sound further to go. The reason why the lecture is taken is that we believe that moral precedes the generation of knowledge and the transfer of value permeates the soil of life. Word of Mouth and oral preaching have a more direct moral influence than written language. It is hoped that the “Mingde Lecture Hall” can become a platform and a window to accumulate a batch of high-level lectures with academic content and social influence with the attention and support of all sectors of society so as to readers.
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俗话说“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”。那么,怎样引导学生学习诗歌的写作内容、表现方法、意境创设呢?  一、 仿写作内容,景物与情感同在  三年级的第一篇习作要求学生写自己做过的、看见的、听到的、想到的人或事,而且安排在《山行》《枫桥夜泊》这两首古诗之后。这两首古诗也正好写诗人听到的和看到的,学完了古诗再来教习作,便是水到渠成的事了。  师:我们刚刚学习的古诗《枫桥夜泊》,谁来背一背?其他同学回