Work roll thermal contour prediction model of nonoriented electrical steel sheets in hot strip mills

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smoking8302
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The demands for profile and flatness of nonoriented electrical steels are becoming more and more severe.The temperature field and thermal contour of work rolls are the key factors that affect the profile and flatness control in the finishing trains of the hot rolling.A theoretic mathematical model was built by a two-dimensional finite difference to calculate the temperature field and ther- mal contour at any time within the entire rolling campaign in the hot rolling process.To improve the calculating speed and precision, some special solutions were introduced,including the development of this model,the simplification of boundary conditions,the computation of heat transfer coefficient,and the narrower mesh along the edge of the strip.The effects of rolling pace and work roll shifting on the temperature field and thermal contour of work rolls in the hot rolling process were demonstrated.The calculated re- sults of the prediction model are in good agreement with the measured ones and can be applied to guiding profile and flatness control of nonoriented electrical steel sheets in hot strip mills. The demands for profile and flatness of nonoriented electrical steels are becoming more and more severe. The temperature field and thermal contour of work rolls are the key factors that affect the profile and flatness control in the finishing trains of the hot rolling. A theoretic mathematical model was built by a two-dimensional finite difference to calculate the temperature field and ther-mal contour at any time within the entire rolling campaign in the hot rolling process. Speed ​​improve the calculating speed and precision, some special solutions were introduced, including the development of this model, the simplification of boundary conditions, the computation of heat transfer coefficient, and the narrower mesh along the edge of the strip. effects of rolling pace and work roll shifting on the temperature field and thermal contour of work rolls in the hot rolling process were demonstrated. The calculated re- sults of the prediction model are in good agreement with the measured ones and can be applied to guiding profile and flatness control of nonoriented electrical steel sheets in hot strip mills.
【摘要】本课为教育科学出版社小学英语EEC教材五年级上册Lesson 6Partⅴ,通过学习日常生活中购买衣服时的用语展开话题。教者通过热身导入、新知呈现、新知学练、新知巩固、总结作业五个步骤帮助学生掌握本课的重、难点。同时通过本节课的学习,学生能积极参与到各种课堂学习活动中。同时乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。  【关键词】小学英语教学  【中图分类号】G623.31 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】
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