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铜鼓县委县政府吸取今年上半年山火并发的教训,组织林业、法律、广播等部门,积极与乡村两级配台,采取措施防止森林火灾。县森林防火指挥部于国庆期间,开动宣传车下到全县14个乡、3个林场、90多个公路村,连续8天宣传省人民政府关于防止山大的紧急通知以及野外用火的“七不准”。大沩山、城郊等林场自筹资金修建了10米宽,长数10华里的县际森林防火带。县、乡 Tonggu County Committee and County Government draw lessons from the mountain fire in the first half of this year, organize forestry, law, radio and other departments, and actively with the rural level with Taiwan, to take measures to prevent forest fires. During the National Day, the County Forest Fire Prevention Command started to publicize the car to 14 townships, 3 forest farms and over 90 highway villages in the county for 8 consecutive days to publicize the provincial people’s government’s urgent notice on preventing the mountainous area and the “ Seven are not allowed ”. Dalaoshan, suburbs and other forest farms self-financing the construction of a 10-meter-wide, 10-mile-long county forest fire belt. County, township
汉语拉丁化不符合中国国情    现在推行普通话是很好的,但是也只能大概地统一我们的方言。我的无锡腔的普通话比陆定一高明一点,陆定一的话根本没办法(懂)。我们国家里有很多地区,很多音是辨别不清的。比如四川管“拉车子”叫“拿车子”,n、1不分。我们有许多方言、方音是很复杂的。因此想先统一了官话,再搞拼音文字。就是这个拼音文字,大家“仰望”的话,没有三十年至五十年是办不到的。要大概统一容易,像我这种官话
这里发表的“这场官司断得好”一文,很值得一读与思索。 党的十一届三中全会以来,随着林业政策的落实和放宽,我区林业专业户象雨后春笋般地涌现、发展和壮大,到目前已发展到
Miss Darby was one of those people who never threwanything away. ’You never know when you might need it.’was one of her favorite sayings. She lived alone in
The opening of borders and markets inthe European Union has turned into abonanza for organised crime. Cross-efficient if the EU is to bring down crime Crime is
I watched my grandson’s wonderat a shaft of light coming through akeyhole.“Oh look,Nan,”he said after I watched my grandson’s wonderat a shaft of light co