
来源 :汽车维护与修理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:billyte
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随着汽车技术的迅速发展,电控技术在汽车上的应用已越来越广泛。90年代以来,不仅国外进口轿车普遍采用了电控技术,国内生产的桑塔纳、夏利、切诺基、奥迪等车型,也都相继采用了电控技术,因此如何诊断维修好电控汽车,已成为广大汽车维修工作者共同关心的课题。根据我们几年来的实践,认为诊断和维修现 With the rapid development of automotive technology, electric control technology has become more and more widely used in automobiles. Since the 1990s, not only the imported cars imported abroad have adopted the electric control technology, but the models of Santana, Xiali, Cherokee and Audi manufactured in China have all adopted the electric control technology one after another. Therefore, how to diagnose and repair the electronically controlled cars has become the most common automobile Maintenance workers are concerned about the issue. According to our practice over the years, diagnoses and repairs are now considered
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1 病例报告患儿女,6岁。因右上胸腹部闷胀、疼痛2个月于1998—07—15入院。伴发热及消瘦,无咳嗽、咯痰带血等。查体:患者呈慢性病容,明显消瘦,体重18kg,浅表淋巴结不大。肺
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摘 要:阅读在高中思想政治教学中十分重要,但长期以来教师和学生对其认识存在偏差。在课改的新形势下,必须要纠正学生对政治课阅读学习的认识误区,为学生创造政治课阅读学习的机会,培养学生良好的政治课阅读习惯,帮助学生掌握正确的阅读方法。  关键词:政治课阅读能力;思想政治课;阅读策略  中图分类号:G631 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)08-059-1  阅读是学生从事学习的
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