
来源 :中国肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wossmbbu
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本文报道对人体肿瘤在正常小鼠肾包膜下移植生长的病理形态学改变。结果如下:移植瘤不同时间生长观察,6天达生长高峰者占80%(8/10),组织学检查证实6天期内均保持原人癌组织学特征,6天后瘤细胞逐渐退变,组织结构消失,而最终由反应性增生纤维、淋巴细胞、异物巨细胞所代替。在此基础上又对137例SRC药敏测定移植瘤进行了组织学观察,结果表明,对照组的瘤细胞均保持原人肿瘤形态特征,得到了电镜及免疫组化的支持。给药组瘤细胞在形态上有程度不同的改变,主要表现为瘤细胞胞浆空泡变性,核膜变模糊,核固缩,碎裂,间质纤维化。电镜检查证明,(5Fu)药物治疗后瘤细胞核膜结构模糊不清,胞质内主要损害粗面内质网(RER),腔内合成物质减少,线粒体变性。其次分析了137例人体肿瘤的6天生长瘤细胞可见率为38%(333/875),与肿瘤类型相关。通过本文观察结果,证实6天SRC法预测化疗药物敏感性的方法是可行的。 This article reports on the pathomorphological changes of human tumors transplanted under the renal capsule of normal mice. The results were as follows: Growth of transplanted tumors at different time points showed that 80% (8/10) of the patients reached the peak of growth after 6 days. Histological examination confirmed that the histological characteristics of the original human cancer were maintained within 6 days, and the tumor cells gradually degenerated after 6 days. The tissue structure disappears and is eventually replaced by reactive hyperplasia fibers, lymphocytes, and foreign body giant cells. On this basis, 137 cases of SRC susceptibility testing of transplanted tumors were observed by histology. The results showed that the tumor cells of the control group maintained the morphological characteristics of the original human tumor, and were supported by electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. The tumor cells in the administration group had different degrees of morphological changes. The main manifestations were cytoplasmic vacuolar degeneration of tumor cells, blurred nuclear membrane, nuclear condensation, fragmentation, and interstitial fibrosis. Electron microscopy showed that after the (5Fu) drug treatment, the nuclear membrane structure of the tumor cells was unclear, and the cytoplasm mainly damaged the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), and the synthetic material in the cavity decreased and the mitochondrial degeneration. Secondly, the 38% (333/875) visible rate of 6-day growth tumor cells in 137 human tumors was analyzed and correlated with tumor type. Through the observation results of this article, it was confirmed that the 6-day SRC method is feasible for predicting the sensitivity of chemotherapy drugs.
健康减肥一杯绿茶的“分量”1、绿茶含有丰富的植物化学物质,具有抗氧化性,因此它会有一点苦味。 2、它含6种主要的多酚类物质,如儿茶素,其中的表儿茶素酸酯,是各种绿茶儿茶
Hoccheim于1903年首次对肺透明膜作了记述。新生儿肺透明膜病早已为人们所熟知和重视,而成人的肺透明膜形成则自1967年Ashbaugh提出成人呼吸窘迫综合征(Adult respiratory d
大白菜富含多种维生素、无机盐、纤维素及一定量的碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪等营养成分,有“百菜之王”的美誉。大白菜含有丰富的维生素C,可增加机体对感染的抵抗 Chinese c