推动普及救护训练 参与救护网络建设

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我省红十字会自1981年恢复工作以来,致力于卫生救护普及培训工作,1984年至今共普及培训外伤救护四项技术38.8万人次,现场 CPR32.70万人次,现就个人对红十字会参与救护工作的认识及我省红十字会普及卫生救护训练的情况简略介绍如下。1 急救工作是全社会的工作1.1 伤害事故需要群众进行现场自救互救随着乡镇企业的发展,农业机械化程度提高,交通运输日趋繁忙,家用电器普及,意外伤害如中毒、触电、车祸、烧伤、溺水时有发生;群众生活水平提高,疾病谱发生变化,心脑血管病发病率逐年上升;加之自然灾害造成的伤病者。这些急诊病人抢救及时与否,方法是否得当,直接影响到伤病者的安危与预后。政府及政府有关部门虽建立了各种专业卫生 Since its resumption of work in 1981, the Red Cross Society of our province has devoted itself to the training of popularization of health care services. From 1984 until now, it has trained 348,000 person-times for the training of traumatism and rescue, and has had 32.70 million CPRs on the spot. Now it’s personal participation in the Red Cross Society. The understanding of the ambulance work and the situation of the popularization of the Red Cross Society in our province are briefly described below. 1 First aid work is the work of the whole society 1.1 Injury accidents require the masses to carry out on-site self-rescue and mutual rescue With the development of township and village enterprises, the degree of agricultural mechanization is increasing, traffic is increasingly busy, household appliances are popularized, and accidental injuries such as poisoning, electric shock, car accident, burn, etc. Occurrence of drowning occurs from time to time; the living standards of the people increase, the spectrum of diseases changes, and the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases rises year by year; coupled with injuries caused by natural disasters. Whether these emergency patients are rescued in time or not and whether the method is appropriate have a direct impact on the safety and prognosis of the injured. Although the government and government departments have established a variety of professional health
蜈蚣临床应用举隅孙亦强沈阳市皇姑区卫生事业管理局(沈阳110032)蜈蚣为蜈蚣科动物少棘巨蜈蚣(ScolopendraSub-spinipesmutilonsL.Koch)的干燥全体。其性温,味辛,具有祛风、定惊、攻毒、散结、止痛之功效。临床应用广泛... 蜈
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为完善办刊内容、提高办刊质量,围绕办刊宗旨,从2004年起,本刊初步设定22个栏目,每期以13-15个栏目内容出版。 In order to improve the content of the magazine and impr