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一、杏花二娘娘家有一棵杏树,阴历二月,天还冷,我们还都穿着棉袄棉裤,杏树的枝条上就坐满红酽酽的花骨朵了。树是二娘娘过门的那年春天栽的。二娘娘的娘是个哑巴,家里穷,女儿出嫁,实在没什么可带走的,就挖了一棵杏树苗。当年俊俏的二娘娘头发都白成了枯草,杏树苗自然也是一棵老树了。树和人可真不一样,人越老越矮,树却越老越高,站在我家院子里,隔着胡同和瑞云嫂嫂家草苫的屋顶和土坯垒的院墙,什么都不 First, apricot Second Niangniang an apricot tree, lunar calendar in February, the day is still cold, we also wear cotton-padded jacket trousers, apricot tree branches to sit full of red Cong Kua flower buds. The tree was planted in the spring of the second goddess’s door. Second Niangniang’s mother is a dumb, poor family, her daughter married, it is nothing to take away, they dug an apricot seedlings. When the handsome two empress hair white into a hay, apricot seedlings naturally is an old tree. Trees and people can be really different, the older the people are, the older the tree is, the older the tree is, standing in my yard, across the alley and the roof of Ruisun’s sister-in-law’s lawn and the wall of the adobe basement, nothing
2006年是“十一五”规划的开局之年,全国各省区市GDP快速增长的“成绩单”令人瞩目。据悉,上海2006年GDP首次跨越万亿关,预计将超过10300亿元。广州市2006 The year 2006 ma
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引子 百花园里摘蟠桃  2013年盛夏,京西宾馆绿树掩映,花团锦簇。  6月15日下午,三楼第一会议室。当年,十一届三中全会就在这里召开。会议室右侧,垂着一面银幕;左侧,吊着一只花篮;正中,悬挂一条横幅,上面写着:第四届中国传记文学优秀作品(2007.7-2012.6)颁奖典礼。氛围既俭朴又庄重。  这个5年一度的奖项,是中国传记文学创作的最高奖。在中国文学的百花园中,传记文学姹紫嫣红,每年有50
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