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  摘 要:循环经济理论,对于区域经济发展在系统观、经济观、价值观、生产观和消费观上提出了新要求。在分析循环经济评价指标基本思路的基础之上,对区域循环经济统计指标体系的建立和综合评价进行研究。
  中图分类号:F124.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-291X(2014)19-0242-04
  To evaluate the status of the regional circular economy,there must be a statistical indicator system of circular economy which can scientifically measure the development level of circular economy in every aspect,providing evidence to monitoring and regulating the dynamic process.The idea of circular economy is an imitation of the ecological cycle and self-adaptive functioning mode of nature,a way to plan,organize and manage the social production and reproduction activities of human.Reduction,reusing and recycling (referred to as the 3R principle) are the most basic principles of the selection on statistical indicator system of circular economy.By improving the utilization of resources and recycling material,the purpose is to conserve resources and reduce the burden of the environment.Specifically,the selection of the indicators should be established on the basis of scientific research on the system,which can fully cover the connotation and the degree of realization of strategic objectives for circular economy development.At the meantime,it should also make fully reflection to all aspects of the development of circular economy,the level of regional development,and there should be no overlapping between these indicators.Indicator system is an organic whole resulted from many factors.
  一、Circular Economy Development in Hunan Province
  According to the statistics department of Hunan,The province's GDP in 2012 reached 2.21542 trillion yuan,which indicates an increase of 11.3%.Among them,the increase of primary industry was 300.42 billion yuan,takes up 3%;the increase of secondary industry was 1.05064 trillion yuan,12.8%;and the increase of tertiary industry was 864.36 billion yuan,that’s an increase of 12.2%.The increase on tertiary industry accounted for 39% of the province’s GDP,increasing 0.7 percentage points.With the development of high energy-consuming industries slowing down,the efforts on energy saving has increased,in 2012 the overall energy consumption of scale industries in Hunan province decreased by 4.4%,the added value energy consumption per unit of that fell by 16.5%.These scale industrial enterprises realized main business income of 2.44256 trillion yuan,an increase of 15.2%;the profits after breakeven is 108.7 billion yuan,an increase of 7.7%[1].   Establishing the assessment indicator system is the foundation for circular economic development,and also the quantitative evaluation tool for assessment of the effect of circular economy.Due to the facts that the circular economy covers a wide range of industries and complex data sources,in line with the principles of refined,practical,easy to get,and strong representation,referring to the weighty standard of circular economy evaluation proposed by scholars home and abroad,we think we can build the assessment system of circular economic development from four parts(sub- systems):the level of economic development,resource reduction investment,reduction of waste emissions,and the recycling of resources[2].With the current situation of economic development in Hunan Province,the standard values and proportion of every single assessment indicator is showed in Table 1:
  In 2012,the province’s three industrial structure was 13.6∶47.4∶39.Industrial added value accounted for 41.3% of GDP,unchanged from the previous year;the added value of high-tech industry makes 15% proportion of GDP,up 0.3 percentage points over the previous year.The primary,secondary and tertiary industry each contributed 3.6%,54% and 42.4% to the economic growth rate.Among them,the contribution to the economic growth rate of industrial added value is 49.6%;the rate for production services is 19.1%.The added value of Non-public economy is 1.27912 trillion yuan,an increase of 13%,a proportion of 57.7% of GDP.In terms of every single region,the GDP of “Chang-zhu-tan area” is 944.17 billion,an increase of 12.7% over the previous year;Ring of Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan City Group made 1.76607 trillion yuan,up 12.4 percent;Southern Hunan 452.35 billion yuan,an increase of 11.8 %;Western Hunan 87.01 billion yuan,an increase of 11.3%[3].
  In comprehensive evaluation of multi-index,there is often an incommensurability among the indicator.Through dimensionless method for each indicator,the incommensurability can be eliminated[4].
  二、Research on the evaluation of circular economy in Hunan
  There are several commonly used indicators weighting method,According to determining method of weight,these can be roughly divided into two categories:subjective weighting method and objective weighting method.These two types both have advantages as well as disadvantages,you cannot simply assume that the objective weighting method is superior to the subjective weighting method.The selection of the appropriate indicators weighting method must be based on some factors like the evaluating and monitoring purposes on specific issues,the characteristics of the object of study,etc.   According to the research purpose,we chose the linear weighting method as the comprehensive evaluation model of circular economy.The advantages of linear weighting method is widely used,concise and unambiguous operation.Calculating individual index in the standard value,multiplied by the sum of the corresponding direct weight,then the comprehensive index of the evaluated region can be obtained.Four composite index can also be calculated,and that needs comprehensive comparison and analysis on four different region[5].
  Using the relevant statistical data of Hunan Province in 2011,circular economic indicators of 14 prefectures were calculated,and the results are shown in Table 3:
  From the comprehensive evaluation results,the circular economy development of 14 prefectures in Hunan can be divided into three categories from high to low [6~7]:
  1.Zhangjiajie,Changsha,Yongzhou,Huaihua,Yiyang,etc.This is an area in which the circular economic development has reached a strong level.The comprehensive evaluation index of these five regions are at a high level,and the advantage lies in the level of economic development and resources investment.Due to the good economy and social base,there is a high proportion of tertiary industry,and there are more balances in resource reduction,waste emission reduction,resources recycling and so on.
  2.The Western states,Zhuzhou,Shaoyang,Changde,etc.These are region s with general level.The comprehensive evaluation index in these areas are at the middle level,as for resource reduction,waste emission reduction,resources recycling and so on,their development is not comprehensive,each region has its own merits and drawbacks.
  3.Hengyang,Chenzhou,Xiangtan,Loudi,etc.These are the worst areas for circular economic development.The economic and social development of these areas is relatively weak,while the resource reduction,waste emission reduction,resources recycling,etc.aspects are at a disadvantage,causing its final index to the lowest.
多输入多输/出(Multiple.input Multiple-output,MIMO)传输技术可以在不占用额外带宽和不增加发射功率的情况下,提升整个系统的容量和频带利用率,是第四代(4th Generation.4G)通信系统的关键技术。大规模MIMO技术配置更多的天线,可以提供极高速率传输、端到端低时延、高移动性、高能效、大规模链接等服务,是第五代(5thGeneration,5G)通信系统的关键技术之一。MIMO空时编码技术,同时利用空间和时间两个维度,能通过编码增益降低系统误比特率(Bit Err
摘 要:通过文献资料、田野调查、数理统计等研究方法,通过对平果县迎春武术汇演活动的组织机构、时间安排、节目内容、场地设置、资金来源、参与人数以及地区影响等方面进行深入调查与探讨,提出有关广西武术协会发展的建议,为壮大地区武术协会力量,弘扬中华民族传统文化,服务公众体育健康事业提供参考意见。  关键词:广西武术协会;发展现状;广西平果县;迎春武术汇演  中图分类号:C93 文献标志码:A 文章编号:
摘 要:生态旅游已成为旅游业中的一种时尚和趋势,体验式生态旅游是伴随体验经济发展的一种新兴旅游形式,旅游者已不满足于传统的观光生态旅游,对旅游产品有更高的要求,追求个性化的体验式生态旅游。以生态旅游体验为视角,对四川西昌邛海湿地生态旅游的体验主题进行提炼,开发设计科普体验、民俗体验、康体体验等湖泊湿地生态旅游体验主题项目,以丰富邛海湿地生态旅游产品,满足生态旅游者的休闲体验需求。  关键词:体验;
摘 要:社区卫生服务自开展以来,得到国家大力支持,发展迅速,初步起到卫生事业网底作用,保障了群众对基本公共卫生服务的需求。但随着社区卫生服务的不断发展,问题也不断涌现,主要表现为人力资源不足、设备不足、经费不足、知晓率低等,这些问题正日渐成为社区卫生服务进一步深化发展的障碍。因此,社区卫生服务发展需要广泛开展人力资源引进与培养工作、加大政府支持力度、通过多元化筹资缓解资金压力、扩大有效性宣传,从而
摘 要:江南古村落包括荻浦、深澳、徐畈、环溪,2006年被列入省级历史文化保护区,2007年深澳被建设部、文化部命名为第三批中国历史文化名村。区域内保存良好的明清期间古建筑140幢,民国时期的古建筑60幢,单体建筑及聚落形态保存较好,是徽派建筑与浙西文化的完美结合,面对这样一宗庞大的珍贵遗产,保护无疑是第一责任。但是守着金饭碗并不能给村民带来“实惠”,近年来美丽乡村吸引到的游客也没有机会一圆入住古
摘 要:近年来,随着科技的飞速发展,网络技术的不断进步,校园网络进入蓬勃发展的关键时期。如何正确引导高校网络舆论、创建和谐稳定校园就显得尤为重要。然而,针对这一问题,国内学校也鲜有研究,并没有形成独特的研究氛围和相对系统的研究方案。因此,以湖南工业大学科技学院校园网络舆论建设为例,对独立学院校园网络舆论的现状进行分析,并对目前校园网络舆论中存在的问题提出解决策略。  关键词:大学生;校园网络舆论;
摘 要:绵山风景区作为山西文化旅游的重要景区,文化旅游资源年代久远且非常丰富,极具发展潜力,但是丰富的文化旅游资源并未带来丰厚的经济效益。研究游客文化旅游满意度,对绵山景区旅游资源和新产品的开发以及综合品位的上升具有重要意义。从游客偏好和满意度的调查入手,运用层次分析法对绵山文化旅游满意度进行综合系统地评价,并对该地文化旅游发展给出合理化建议,从而促进旅游业与文化产业的融合发展。  关键词:AHP
摘 要:电子商务近几年发展迅猛,电子商务的买家、卖家数量,以及交易额不断的突破记录,电子商务渐渐成为经济发展的重要力量。然而在电子商务的快速发展中,电子商务的数据化运营的不成熟问题也逐渐显露出来,以淘宝网为例,探讨了电子商务中的数据化运营存在的问题以及在淘宝店铺运营过程中应该如何进行数据化运营。  关键词:电子商务;数据化运营;淘宝店铺  中图分类号:F724.6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:167