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当一个漂亮的女同事向猫王致以新世纪的祝福时,猫王这才恍然意识到自己在 IT 圈中又摸爬滚打了一年。虽然2000年 IT 界所发生的大大小小的事很象猫王嘴边的胡子——数也数不清,但是金子总要发光,有几件印象颇深的事一直让猫王回味不已。不论是好是坏,猫王都非常感谢这些事给2000年的 IT 界带来缤纷和喧嚣,而且让圈子内的人嘴里总有新鲜的话题。于是猫王当机立断,给2000年的 IT 大事颁发猫王独有的奖赏.力劈华山奖——杰克逊美国地区法院的法官杰克逊自从4月判定微软反托拉斯案成立,6月份下令微软一分为二后,就被猫王当仁不让地信奉为天下第一刀客,他的一招力劈华山至今仍然会让盖茨胆颤心惊。虽然此案已裁定于今年执行,但很难 When a beautiful female colleague presented Elvis with the blessing of the new century, Elvis realized that he had been in the IT circle for another year. Although the large and small events that occurred in the IT community in 2000 are very much like the beard of an Elvis Presence -- countless, but the gold always shines, and several impressive things have kept the Elvis ever. Whether it is good or bad, Elvis Presley is very grateful to these events for the IT community in 2000 to bring colorful and harmonious, and make people in the circle always have fresh topics. Then Elvis Prescott made a decisive decision to award an exclusive Elvis Award to IT events in 2000. Li Huashan Award—Judge Jackson of the US District Court of Justice judged the establishment of the Microsoft anti-trust case in April and ordered Microsoft to divide it into two parts in June. Later, he was convinced by the Elvis Presley that he was the No. 1 knife-hunter in the world. His trick to force Huashan still makes Gates shudder. Although this case has been ruled to be implemented this year, it is difficult
有好多天了,慧能小和尚独坐寺内,闷闷不语。师父看出了其中的玄机,也不语,微笑着领着弟子走出寺门。 For many days, the young monk of Hui Neng alone sat in the temple
莲花公司近日在北京举行规模盛大的“LotusWorld’2001一走进知识管理”新技术推广和创新应用汇展活动,向近2000名来自政府部门、行业应用部门和企业用户的来宾以及 Lotus技
1.help help用作动词时,意为“帮助,援助”,常用于“help sb.(to)do sth.”或“help sb.withs th.”结构中。 When 1.help help is used as a verb, it means “help, aid”
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