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在接受采访时,王力一直表现得极度兴奋和自信.的确,12月19日由联成互动软件公司召开的“360度客户关系管理解决方案大会”获得了出乎意料的效果,涉及27个行业的近1500个中小企业用户参加了大会,其中不乏一直站在过道中观看演示近两小时,这的确给予了王力和该公司全体员工极大的鼓舞和肯定,当然这更与他们在大会召开之前将产品应用于551家企业的前期工作密不可分.先做后说以往一些网站的亮相方式是先推出一种模式或概念,然后再想应该为它做点什么,结果导致与市场脱节,无疾而终.与之相反,联成互动采用先射击再瞄准的方式,先向市场推出其 MyCRMv1.0版产品,通过了解市场反应及客户使用状况以便改 In an interview, Wang Li has been extremely excited and confident. Indeed, the “360-degree Customer Relationship Management Solutions Conference” held by Liancheng Interactive Software Co., Ltd. on December 19th achieved unexpected results involving 27 Nearly 1,500 SME users in the industry participated in the conference, many of whom had been standing in the aisle for nearly two hours. This really gave great encouragement and recognition to Wang Li and all the staff of the company. Of course, this was even more with them. Before the conference, the application of the product to 551 companies was inseparable from the previous work. To do this, the previous debut of some websites was to first introduce a model or concept, and then think of something else that should be done for it. As a result, it was out of touch with the market. In contrast, Liancheng Interactive launched its MyCRM v1.0 product by first shooting and then aiming at the market, through the understanding of market reactions and customer use conditions in order to change
有好多天了,慧能小和尚独坐寺内,闷闷不语。师父看出了其中的玄机,也不语,微笑着领着弟子走出寺门。 For many days, the young monk of Hui Neng alone sat in the temple
莲花公司近日在北京举行规模盛大的“LotusWorld’2001一走进知识管理”新技术推广和创新应用汇展活动,向近2000名来自政府部门、行业应用部门和企业用户的来宾以及 Lotus技
1.help help用作动词时,意为“帮助,援助”,常用于“help sb.(to)do sth.”或“help sb.withs th.”结构中。 When 1.help help is used as a verb, it means “help, aid”
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