Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigation of Bainite in Steel

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Bainite, which is formed in metals, alloys, or even non-metallic materials under certainconditions, is a kind of very important phase transformation product. Since bainiteplays an important role in steel, this kind of steel is named bainite steel. In the pastdecades scientists did a lot of research work on the bainite structure and its phasetransformation mechanism. But due to its complexity in nature and the limitationsof the observation methods, at present the study in this aspect is still in theexploring stage both theoretically and experimentally, and many problems remain to besolved. There have long been two controversial views on the phase transformationmechanism, i.e. “shear” mechanism and “diffusion” mechanism, also calledledge-growth mechanism. The two opinions are mainly based on the observations ofbainite morphologies or structures by means of SEM or TEM, the measurements of Bainite, which is formed in metals, alloys, or even non-metallic materials under certainconditions, is a kind of very important phase transformation product in steel, this kind of steel is named bainite steel. In the pastdecades scientists did a lot of research work on the bainite structure and its phase transformation mechanism. But due to its complexity in nature and the limitations of the observation methods, at present the study in this aspect is still in theexploring stage both theoretically and experimentally, and many problems remain There are long been two controversial views on the phase transformation mechanism, ie “shear ” mechanism and “diffusion ” mechanism, also calledledge-growth mechanism. The two opinions are mainly based on the observations of bitain morphologies or structures by means of SEM or TEM, the measurements of
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