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讨论了改善硅光敏管短波响应的诸因素。短波灵敏度的提高要求减少结深、提高扩散基区的少子寿命、降低掺杂浓度、减少复合中心和杀寿命杂质的沾污以及减少缺陷。扩散基区的漂移场对光生少子的收集是极其有利的,材料电阻率选高些使耗尽层宽些也是可取的。重要的问题是要尽量避免和减薄“死层”的厚度。实验器件显著改善了短波端的灵敏度,器件可以应用到近3500埃的近紫外。在4000埃有约10微安/微瓦的灵敏度,对实验器件提出了一种新的计算分析方法,只需简单的运算便可估算出器件的光谱响应峰值及响应的分布曲线,而不需解繁复的方程和用计算机处理冗长的解,提出的方法与实验结果相吻合。 The factors to improve the short wave response of the silicon photodiode are discussed. The improvement of short-wave sensitivity requires reducing the junction depth, increasing the minority carrier lifetime of the diffusion base, lowering the doping concentration, reducing the contamination of recombination centers and killing life-threatening impurities, and reducing defects. The drift field of the diffusion base region is extremely advantageous for the collection of photogenerated minority carriers, and it is also desirable that the material resistivity be higher and the depletion layer wider. The important issue is to try to avoid and thin the “dead” thickness. Experimental devices significantly improve the sensitivity of the short-wave end, the device can be applied to nearly 3500 angstroms near-UV. With a sensitivity of about 10 μA / microwatts at 4000 angstroms, a new computational analysis method is proposed for the experimental device that requires only simple calculations to estimate the spectral response peak and response profile of the device without Solution of complex equations and computer processing of the long solution, the proposed method and experimental results are consistent.
“文化中国人”与西方主流文化之间的“爱情”,是李安式成功的实质,也是其价值所在。 The “love” between “cultural Chinese” and the mainstream western culture is
我们的故事与观众的经验太接近了,观众怎么能够有兴趣花钱和时间看他们自己也能够讲述的故事呢? How our audiences are interested in spending money and time looking at
研究了三种保护类化学不稳定性光学零件免受微生物侵蚀的方法。砷、汞和锡的有机硅氧烷杀菌膜与防潮膜相结合,不致于改变玻璃的光学性质,而且可以防止它们免受霉菌侵蚀。 Th
近几年,根据课标思想,中考化学计算题打破传统的单一计算形式,以灵活多样的形式展现在我们面前,这些题型着重考查同学们的分析能力、思维能力、各科间的融合能力以及创新能力等,下面笔者对2016年中考计算题的命题热点作一个归类分析,供大家参考。  一、联系生活实际,考查有关化学式的计算  例1(2016·巴中)巴中某超市卖的纯碱(Na2C03)产品往往含有少量的氯化钠(NaCl),化学兴趣小组的同学通过实