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  Carlos: Hi Tony! Could I have a coffee please?
  Tony: OK.
  Carlos: What food have you got on today?
  To n y : T h e u s u a l—I’v e g o t s o m e sandwiches—you can have 1)tuna, chicken, cheese or ham. I can do some fried eggs, or an 2)omelette. I’ve got some nice sausages, some chicken curry...
  Carlos: Erm, that’s OK, thanks, I’ll just have the coffee.
  Tony: Fair enough.
  Suit yourself.
  Olivia: Hi there Carlos! Come and sit over here!
  Carlos: OK. Thanks!
  Olivia: You didn’t fancy anything to eat then? Carlos: (sighs) No. (whispering) I don’t want to sound rude, but...well...the food here isn’t very good!
  Olivia: Go on...it’s not bad...just standard British food, that’s all.
  Carlos: Yeah. Exactly.
  Olivia: Oh don’t be such a 4)snob! We eat pretty well in Britain!
  (door’s open)
  Johnny: Hi all! Mind if I join you?
  Carlos/Olivia: Hey! Oh, hi.
  Carlos: No, not at all.
  Olivia: Pull up a seat!
  Johnny: What’s going on?
  Olivia: Carlos was just saying how much he
  hates British food.
  Johnny: Yeah. He’s 5)got a point.
  Olivia: Oh, don’t you start as well.
  Johnny: There are some good Chinese places in Soho.
  Carlos: Yeah—there are some good restaurants in London, but they’re so expensive.
  Olivia: If you eat fresh, seasonal, local food in Britain, it’s great.
  Carlos: Maybe, yeah—but you can’t always find it.
  Johnny: Shhh! Here comes Tony now!
  Tony: Here you go Olivia—that egg sandwich you ordered!
  Olivia: Thanks Tony!
  Tony: No problem!
  Olivia: (chewing)…
  Carlos: (whispers) See what I mean?
  Olivia: (sighing) Oh yeah, OK, OK. Maybe you’ve got a point.
  Johnny: Oh no. Here comes Tony! He must have heard you complaining about his food!
  Tony: Erm, yeah, erm listen guys...erm…I’m not feeling too well...not good at all...I think I’ll have to go home. There’s no one else in today, so I’m afraid you’ll all have to go home as well...
  Olivia: Oh no...I’m sorry Tony—don’t worry.
  Carlos: No. Don’t worry! I’m a trained chef!!!
  Johnny: That’s true—he is!
  Carlos: I’ll take over for you! I love cooking.
  Olivia: (whispers) I guess this is your chance Carlos!
  Tony: Er...are you sure?
  Carlos: Yeah, it’s no problem. I’ve worked in restaurants before—I’ll make sure the caféstays open, and then you won’t lose a day’s business!   Tony: Oh…er...well...erm...yeah. I guess so. Yeah. I mean, thanks!
  Carlos: No problem!
  Tony: I’ll just show you where everything is, then you can get on with it! If you just come over here…
  (door’s open)
  Sarah: Hi all!
  All: Hi/Hello Sarah.
  Tony: Right then Carlos, I’ll be off. Hope everything goes OK!
  Carlos: I’ll be fine!
  Sarah: Carlos!?
  Carlos: Hi Sarah!
  Sarah: What are you doing there?
  Carlos: I’m the new chef in Tony’s Café!
  Sarah: Oh no!

  炸鱼薯条 Fish and chips
  布丁香肠 Toad in the hole
  布丁香肠是一道传统英国美食。主要材料有香肠和做约克郡布丁用的面糊,通常和蔬菜、肉汁一起食用。Toad in the hole的来源,流传最广的说法是这道菜像是一只蟾蜍从洞中探出头,于是才有这个名字。
  鳝鱼冻 Jellied eels
  奶酪 Cheese
  果酱烤饼 Scones with jam
  肉馅土豆馅饼 Shepherd’s pie
  肉馅土豆馅饼是一道传统英国菜肴,也叫农家馅饼。主要材料是肉丁和土豆泥。通常会使用周日烤肉剩下的羊牛肉。当肉是羊肉时,通常叫做“shepherd’s pie”(注:shepherd是牧羊人的意思)
  英式查佛 Trifle
  马麦酱 Marmite
  这是涂在面包上的一种酱,是用酵母提取物制成。酵母提取物是啤酒发酵的副产品,形状黏稠,颜色较深,味道浓郁易辨认。马麦酱的味道和酱油有点相似。卖马麦酱的公司营销口号就是 “马麦酱,让你爱恨分明” 。
  Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding
摘 要 针对传统算法与程序设计教学偏重语言讲解,忽略实际设计能力培养的不足,以信息化技术为手段,克服算法教学中存在的瓶颈问题,提出以培养学生开拓创新能力为导向,以实际需求为基础,加深学生对程序设计理解的教学方法。  关键词 信息化技术;算法与程序设计;教学模型  中图分类号:G434 文献标识码:B  文章编号:1671-489X(2015)10-0141-03  Research on Algo
It is surprising how many expressions that Americans use every day came from the card game of poker. For example, you hear the expression, ace in the hole, used by many people who would never think of
乘飞机方便快捷,如今已成为越来越多的旅客出行的首选。你了解乘机的注意事项、需要提前作好哪些准备吗?  别忘了你的护照,否则你哪儿也去不了!  Don’t forget your passport or you won’t be going anywhere!  你用非常实惠的价钱买到了机票。  You got the tickets for a really good price.  行李别超重了
Today on Language Snacks we take a look at the expression better late than never.  Let’s read the dialogue.  A: What took you so long? I’ve been waiting here for ages!  B: Sorry! I missed the bus and