扬帆竞技行教改 炼就真金育新人——延川县永坪中学发展纪实

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延川县历史悠久,文风斐然,素有“文化之乡”誉称,其建于隋开皇三年,距今1400多年,以县城脚下河流古名“吐延水”得名。原始社会,境内已有人类繁衍生息,古代曾是不同部落更迭和多民族汇聚生息的地方,明初形成以汉族为主体的格局。千百年来,山川几经沧桑,人民备尝忧患;狩猎牧耕,迁徙往返,征战撕拼,屯牧开发,历代英豪各展雄图,八方移民共创基业;多民族血缘、习惯交相渗透,中原、边塞文化相互融会,渐渐形成黄土文化和当地的历史风貌。今天,我们的主角——延川县永坪中学就坐落于这座千年古城,依托着丰富的矿产资源和浓厚的文化 Yanchuan County has a long history and a splendid style. It is known as the “town of culture” and was built in the Kaikai Emperor for three years. It has been more than 1,400 years ago. It was named after the ancient name of the river at the foot of the county. . In the primitive society, humanity has been thriving in the territory. Ancient times were places where different tribes alternated and multi-ethnics converged. In the early Ming Dynasty, the Han-centered pattern was formed. For thousands of years, mountains and rivers have gone through many vicissitudes of life. The people are preparing for trouble; hunting and pasturing, migration and return, fighting for battles, development of grazing, history and dynasties of each dynasty show their ambitions, and all-round immigration creates a foundation; multi-ethnic blood and habits infiltrate each other The cultures of the Central Plains and the Frontier of China are intermingled with each other and gradually form the loess culture and local history. Today, our protagonist, Yanchuan County Yongping Middle School is located in this ancient city of the millennium, relying on rich mineral resources and strong culture.
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这时,我注意到他的眼里盈满了泪水……那天的大部分时间里,我都和同学们呆在一起。而罗尼始终没有放下过那本书,一刻也没有。 At this time, I noticed that his eyes were
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