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对联与广告解释岳四川一、对联高价化肥我不买低价粮食俺不卖横批:特此通知此联反映农民盼望等价交换,但化肥价格飞着涨,粮食价格爬着涨,无可奈何的心情。金奖银奖铜奖引你上当国优部优省优诱我受骗横批;遍地优奖此联反映消费者对评上优质奖的商品不信任,原因在于滥... Interpretation of couplets and advertisements Yue Sichuan 1. I do not buy low-priced foodstuffs for couplets and high-priced fertilizers. I do not want to sell them in batches: I hereby notify this joint that the farmers are looking forward to equivalent exchanges, but the price of fertilizers has skyrocketed and the price of foodstuffs has risen. The Gold Award Silver Bronze Leads you to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This award reflects the consumer’s lack of confidence in the quality of the product.
全国农副产品和农资价格行情系统监测,4月29日~5月5日,就全国范围看,尿素总体价格有所回落。其中,广西、河南、河北、广东和吉林的降幅稍 National agricultural and sidelin
The CLI Stationery and Sporting Goods Import & Export company, a subsidiary of the China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corp. (CLI), has an
在经商过程中,以下十种生意不宜做:一、先调货后收款的生意不宜做或少做。二、预付货款定购期货的生意不宜做或少做。 In the course of business, the following ten type
China’s electronics and machinery exports have witnessed rapid development since China expanded its electronics and machinery exports as a strategic policy in
一、迅速发展的中俄边境贸易 80年代初,我国与前苏联恢复和发展了原来中断的边境贸易,至80年代后半期,边境贸易日益活跃,迅速发展。中国与前苏联是政府间贸易,两国的公司按
泰国水产品出口近年来大幅增长,目前已超过美国,成为世界第一出口大国。以往,美国、挪威曾长期居领先地位。 Thailand’s aquatic products exports have increased signif