
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ychh1988
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6月30日,中国人民解放军长江支队四大队三中队纪念南下福建50周年座谈会在福州闽萧大厦召开。 1949年8月,长江支队四大队三中队抵达福建,根据省委决定接管闽侯县。当时到闽候的南下干部有119名,他们为闽侯县的解放和建设事业奉献了毕生的精力。 闽侯县县长邹国真,县委副书记李勇胜,组织部长纪建平,政协副主席林勇同等到会与老同志一起回顾光辉的斗争历程,畅谈改革开放的大好形势。邹县长介绍了闽侯县的建设发展成就和今后的规划,强调老同志对闽侯县所作的贡献不能忘记,与老同志的事情不能变。闽侯县今后的发展不能缺少老同志的支持……他盛情地邀请老同志常回闽侯走一走,看一看。老同志在座谈中回忆解放福建、建设福建的光荣历程,深感自慰。对闽侯县在改革开放以来突飞猛进的大好形势欣喜在 On June 30, the Third Squadron of the Fourth Brigade of the PLA Changjiang Detachment commemorated the 50th anniversary of the founding of Fujian Province south Fujian Fuxiao Hall held in Fuzhou. In August 1949, the third squadron of the Fourth Brigade of the Yangtze River Detachment arrived in Fujian, and Minhou County was taken over according to the provincial party committee’s decision. At that time, there were 119 southern cadres who came to Minhwei for their lifelong energies for the liberation and construction of Minhou County. Minhou County Magistrate Zou Guozhen, Li Yongsheng, deputy secretary of the county Party committee, Ji Jianping, minister of organization, Lin Yong, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, will wait until the meeting with the old comrades to review the glorious struggle history and talk about the great situation of reform and opening up. Zou County magistrate introduced Minhou County’s achievements in construction and development and future plans. He emphasized that old comrades should not forget the contribution they made to Minhou County, and that they should not change things with the old comrades. Minhou County in the future development can not be missing the support of old comrades ...... He kindly invited old comrades back to Minhou walk, take a look. Comrades in memory of the liberation of Fujian in the forum, glorious history of building Fujian, deeply comrades. Minhou County in the reform and opening up by leaps and bounds the good situation in delight
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