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根据马克思在《资本论》中的分析,剩余价值的源泉是活劳动,既抽象人类劳动。不管参与价值创造和形成的要素有多少,但终极源泉是活劳动。真正决定价值分配(即剩余价值分享)的是市场竞争关系,是市场诸要素的不同的稀缺程度和供求状态:(1)资本雇佣劳动制度下,虽然活劳动创造了新价值(v+m),但剩余(m)却被资本独占或垄断。这一制度最不合逻辑的地方是:剩余价值的创造者被排斥在剩余价值分享体系之外。但是,它又是市场竞争均衡的结果。因为它的运行基础是市场经济。(2)当代经济关系中,资本(死劳动)与劳动(活劳动)关系发生微妙变化:剩余的获取越来越多地依靠研发、营销、管理、创新,劳动者队伍中有管理才能的人(经理阶层)不再是简单地出售劳动力价值,凭借资本对劳动的依赖,他们要求分享剩余,即劳动力价值资本化。发达国家中出现的经理层持股、大企业间交叉持股,企业控制权变化,使出资人、股东越来越不同程度地“隶属”于劳动,资本雇佣劳动、资本独占剩余不同程度地或部分地让位于劳动参与剩余分配。资本在直接生产过程之外的运动,生息资本、银行资本、商业资本参与资本运动,使参与剩余分配的资本由产业资本多元化为产业资本和非产业资本,劳动、土地、技术、信息、无形资产、证券等要素的资本化,使我们在现实经? According to Marx’s analysis in Capital, the source of surplus value is living labor, which not only abstract human labor. Regardless of the number of elements involved in the creation and formation of value, the ultimate source is living labor. What really determines the distribution of value (that is, surplus value sharing) is the market competition, which is the different scarcity and supply and demand of the various elements of the market: (1) under the wage-based labor system, although the new value (v + m) But the remaining (m) is monopolized by capital. The most illogical place of this system is that the creators of surplus value are excluded from the residual value-sharing system. However, it is also the result of a balanced market competition. Because it is based on the operation of a market economy. (2) Subtle changes in the relationship between capital (dead labor) and labor (live labor) in contemporary economic relations: the remaining gains depend more and more on people with management skills in research, development, marketing, management, innovation, and workforce Managers) no longer simply sell the value of labor, relying on the dependence of capital on labor, they asked to share the surplus, that is, capitalization of labor value. Managers holding shares in developed countries, large cross-shareholdings among enterprises, changes in corporate control, making investors and shareholders more or less “subordinate” to labor, capital wage labor, the exclusive possession of capital to varying degrees or Partially give way to labor participation in the remaining distribution. The movement of capital in addition to the direct production process, interest-bearing capital, bank capital, and commercial capital participate in the capital movement, diversifying the capital participating in the remaining distribution from industrial capital into industrial capital and non-industrial capital, labor, land, technology, information, The capitalization of assets, securities and other factors makes us in reality?
你知道吗? 据香港青少年儿童安全教育中心主任贾检教授介绍,中国每年有四十五至五十万儿童因意外受伤,有两万儿童非正常死亡,即每天有五十位少年儿童因意外事故失去生命。更
步兵的天敌是谁?满身披挂、 不可一世的坦克装甲车辆 便首当其冲,凭借厚实的 防护装甲、超强的火力和比脚底板快得多的速度,让“战争皇后”步兵一度疲于招架。尽管各种反坦
婴儿在不会说话以前,有着丰富多彩的体态语。体态语包括面部表情和手势的变化。美国研究婴儿心理学的斯克佛教授,分析了婴儿的面部表情语言,大致归纳为以下几种: 牵嘴而笑表