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竞争是市场经济的产物。竞争机制是推动市场经济发展的动力。发展市场经济,必须保护竞争,发展竞争,发挥竞争机制的作用。但是在激烈的市场竞争中,无论是在哪一个国家和地区,几乎都存在着违反诚实、自由、平等、公平这些国际公认原则的交易行为。比如,制造伪劣、质次的商品,假冒与盗用知名商品的外观、包装和广告,在销售服务中进行欺诈,侵犯技术和贸易秘密的专有权,垄断市场和进行限制性商业活动,等等。因此,竞争也会带来“付产品”——不正当竞争行为。保护和发展市场竞争,就应当严格竞争规则,保护公平竞争行为,反对和制止不正当竞争行为。因此,凡是实行市场经济的国家,无论其政治与社会制度如何,都把竞争法律制度作为规范本国经济运行的基本制度,并通过立法形式制止不正当竞争行为。 Competition is the product of a market economy. Competition mechanism is the driving force to promote the development of market economy. To develop a market economy, we must protect competition, develop competition and give play to the role of competition mechanisms. However, in the fierce market competition, there are almost all transactions in violation of the internationally accepted principles of honesty, freedom, equality and fairness in any country or region. Examples include the appearance of fake and inferior goods, the appearance and packaging and advertising of fake and embezzled goodwill, the fraud in sales and service, the exclusive rights to infringe technology and trade secrets, the monopolization of markets and restrictive business activities, etc. . Therefore, competition will also bring “pay the product” - unfair competition. To protect and develop market competition, we should strictly abide by the rules, protect fair competition and oppose and stop unfair competition. Therefore, all countries that implement a market economy, regardless of their political and social systems, regard the legal system of competition as the basic system for regulating the operation of their own economy and put an end to unfair competition through legislation.
At the National S&T Conference held on 9 January, 2006 in Beijing, CAS received 43 prizes from China's 2005 S&T awards in the capacity of the lead research inst