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俗话说,人往高处走,水往低处流。但是在大自然中却有许多水往高走的例子。比如一棵树通过最底下的根吸收土壤中的水,然后把水向上输送到各个部位。那么水到底是怎么往上走的呢?参考译文:怎么做从纸巾上撕下一条1英寸宽的纸条。把它拧起来并放入一根干净的吸管中,在两端分别伸出一小段。往饮水杯里倒入大约3英寸高的水,并滴入一滴红色、蓝色或绿色的食物色素。把吸管放入杯中,观察吸管内发生的变化。 As the saying goes, people are going uphill and the water flows downwards. But in nature there are many examples of water going high. For example, a tree absorbs water from the soil through the lowermost root, and then delivers the water upward to various locations. So how did the water go up? How to do it: Peel off a 1-inch-wide piece of paper from the paper towel. Screw it up and place it in a clean straw, with a small extension at each end. Pour approximately 3 inches of water into a drinking glass and drop a drop of red, blue, or green food coloring. Place the pipette in the cup and observe the changes that have taken place in the pipette.
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摘 要近些年高职院校为了提高教学质量,因此对教师的要求大有提高,十分重视教师的综合素质。那么如何提高教学质量就成了每所高职院校关注的问题。那么我作为一名基础课英语教师教师也对此进行了一些研究。例如,设计内容丰富的精美课件,增加学生的学习兴趣;采取多样化教学,让课堂内容更加容易消化理解。将听、说、读、写相结合与课堂当中,讲练适当结合,使课堂更加的丰富多彩。让学生觉得不只是基础课程,还有更多的丰富多彩