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由于女性的生理特点,在防治牙病方面与男性不同,因此,现代女性了解牙病防治知识,对女性健康具有重要的意义。一、青春期少女易患牙周病一些青春期少女由于体内雌性激素分泌不平衡,导致牙龈血管瘀血,局部抵抗力下降,出现口臭、牙龈出血、牙周溢脓等牙周病症状。青春期牙周炎发展迅速,容易引起牙齿松动,牙齿之间出现缝隙,影响美观。因此,青春期少女如果发生牙龈出血、口臭等症状,要及时就医治疗,防止牙齿松动。二、月经期不要拨牙在月经期,女性的血液凝固性降低,如果在月经期拔牙或做其他各种手术,都可能发生大出血,因此,月经期间 Because of the physiological characteristics of women, they are different from men in the prevention and treatment of dental diseases. Therefore, it is of great significance for women to understand the knowledge of dental prevention and control of women's health. First, adolescent girls susceptible to periodontal disease Some adolescent girls due to the imbalance in the secretion of estrogen in the body, leading to gingival blood vessels stasis, decreased local resistance, there halitosis, bleeding gums, periodontal empyema and other periodontal symptoms. Rapid development of adolescent periodontitis, easily lead to loose teeth, gaps between the teeth, affecting the appearance. Therefore, adolescent girls bleeding gums, bad breath and other symptoms, timely medical treatment, to prevent tooth loss. Second, the menstrual period do not dial teeth In the menstrual period, women's blood coagulation decreased, if in the menstrual period of tooth extraction or other various operations, may occur bleeding, therefore, during menstruation
过了一会儿,蝴蝶把那小小的头挤了出来,翻个身,把四肢挤出,用那纤细的“手”扒在茧上,可两只脚却缩了进去。它使尽力气把双腿拔出来,可翅膀却戳在茧上,卡住了,出不来,它再 A
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我从小喜欢看书、读书,喜欢听爸爸妈妈和老师讲故事,《白雪公主》《失眠巫婆》《大头儿子和小头爸爸》等都是我爱听的故事。 I grew up reading books, reading books, list
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小男孩在森林边的草地上玩耍,他抬头看着蓝天:我要是有一双翅膀多好。你看飞机长了翅膀后,就能在天上飞;我要是长上翅膀,不也可以在蓝天上飞翔了? The little boy was playi