Patience Is Very Important

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  顾 霖 高巍彦 朱子墨 沈玉超
  左艺蕊 张煜轩 吴汉凯 高 灿
  卞楚晴 夏诗晗 贺雅俐雯

  Narrator: In the classroom, a turtle, ducks, chickens, frogs, and rabbits are sitting on their seats quietly.
  Birds: What a nice day! One, two, three, eyes of me, four, five, six, hands on the knees. We are ready for the class.
  Narrator: The deer teacher comes into the classroom. He is ready to have a PE lesson.
  Teacher: Little eyes look at me, little ears listen to me, little mouths stop talking. Are you ready?
  All: Yes.
  Teacher: This is a PE lesson. Let’s warm up. Stand up. Shake,  shake, shake. Jump, jump, jump. Walk, walk, walk. What can you do, frogs?
  Frog 1: I can jump high. How about you?
  Bird 1: I am good at flying.
  Rabbit: I am fast. I run very fast.
  All: Turtle, turtle, what can you do? Can you jump, run or fly?

  Narrator: The little turtle is sad and blows down his head.
  Turtle: Sorry, I can only creep.
  All: Creep? Creep? What does creep mean?
  Turtle: (creep) This is creep.
  All: Hahaha!
  Teacher: OK, it’s time for
  training. Let’s go
  to the playground.

  Narrator: The animals go to the playground and play games happily.
  Bird 2: In the playground, we are doing exercise.
  Duck: Quack, quack, how funny!
  Bird 1: Come and find me. Let’s play hide-and-seek!

  Narrator: In the PE Lesson, all animals are having a running race.
  Turtle: I’m slow, but I never stop.
  Teacher: Are you ready for the match?
  All: Yes!
  Teacher: OK. Stand in a line. Let’s have a match.Who wants to be the winner? Look at the big tree over there. You should get there as soon as possible. OK?   Turtle: I’m slow, but I never stop. One, two, one, two...

  Narrator: The little rabbit runs the fastest. He is very proud(驕傲的).
  Rabbit: Look at me. I am the fastest. I am the winner. But I am tired. Let me sleep for a while.
  All: (laugh) Look! The turtle is the slowest.

  Narrator: The little turtle runs the slowest, but he wins at last.
  Turtle: I’m slow, but I never stop. One, two, one, two...
  Teacher: Time’s up. The turtle wins.
  Others: What?
  Teacher: He’s slow, but he never stops. Look at you!
  Birds: I should not play the game.
  Chickens: I should not eat in class.
  Duck & frog: We should not play with water.
  Rabbit: I’m too proud. I should not sleep.
  All: We are wrong. We should do our best.
  Birds: We all understand that patience is very important.

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