An Intra-Oceanic Subduction System Influenced by Ridge Subduction in the Diyanmiao Subduction Accret

来源 :地球科学学刊(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dreambox007
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This study focuses on the geology,geochemistry,Sr-Nd isotopes and their tectonic settings of three types of basalts in Diyanmiao ophiolite in the Xar Moron area located on the eastern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.Type I basalts are oceanic tholeiites with a depleted light rare earth element(LREE)pattern,which are similar to the typical N-mid-oceanic ridge basalt(MORB)and suggests that they were formed at a mid-oceanic ridge.The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of Type I basalts range from 0.703 966 to 0.705 276 and the εNd(t)values are from 16.49 to 17.15,indicating that they were derived from a depleted mantle source.Type II basalts belong to the medium-potassium calc-akaline series and have the geochem-ical characteristics of Nb-enriched basalt(NEB)with high Nb content(14.5 ppm)and strong enrichment in LREEs,implying that they were created by the partial melting of mantle wedge peridotite that previously metasomatized by slab melts.Type III basalts are high-Al basalt(HAB)with high-Al contents(Al203=16.75 wt.%-18.00 wt.%),distinct Nb depletion and high Th/Yb ratios.Thus they were likely gen-erated in a normal island-arc setting.Therefore,the association of MORB,NEB,and HAB in the study area may be due to the subduction of a mid-oceanic ridge,and the Diyanmiao ophiolite is proposed to be formed in the forearc setting of a mid-oceanic ridge subduction system.
摘 要:背诵和记忆大量的英语单词、习语和固定搭配是增加语言知识积累,学好英语的前提和基础。但教学中过度强调单词用法和语法规则的死记硬背,在实际运用中忽视语境、情境而机械地套用和模仿,就会导致思维定势。多模态话语的课堂教学可以使词汇活起来,使语法规则动起来。  关键词:模态;多模态话语;固定搭配  中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)05-073-3 
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