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研究森林资源禀赋空间格局演变,对森林资源可持续发展具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文从森林资源丰裕程度、生态影响度和物种丰度三个维度对1995年、2005年和2015年湖南森林资源禀赋度进行评价。在此基础上,借助复杂网络理论及Pajek软件,以研究县域行政区划为节点,空间依赖度为边权,构建湖南县域森林禀赋度空间网络,并通过节点的度、介数、聚集系数、形状指数和空间效应强度刻画网络模型的拓扑结构,以此来揭示森林资源空间格局的演变规律。结果显示:冷点区县域单元节点对森林禀赋空间网络的连通作用和影响力要大于热点区节点,热点区县域单元对森林禀赋的空间分布起着正面影响,而冷点区起着负面作用。为进一步优化湖南森林资源空间格局,有效的森林资源调控方式是对存在改善空间(空间效应强度低于0.5)且对整体空间格局影响较大(节点度值在5以上)的研究单元予以重点关注。为进一步揭示森林资源空间分布的规律,未来的研究中应探讨在森林资源演变发展中各节点间作用力的方向,从而找出湖南森林资源空间网络的关键节点和关键边权。 Studying the evolution of spatial pattern of forest resource endowments has important theoretical and practical significance for the sustainable development of forest resources. This paper evaluates the endowments of forest resources in Hunan in 1995, 2005 and 2015 from the three dimensions of forest abundance, ecological impact and species abundance. On this basis, with the help of complex network theory and Pajek software, this paper constructs the spatial network of forest endowments in Hunan by studying the administrative divisions of the county as nodes and the spatial dependence as the right of side. Through the node degree, mesogen, aggregation coefficient, shape Index and spatial effect intensity depict the topological structure of the network model in order to reveal the evolution of spatial pattern of forest resources. The results show that the connectivity and influence of unit nodes in the cold spots on the forest endowment spatial network are greater than those in the hot spots, and the county units in the hot spots positively influence the spatial distribution of forest endowments, while the cold spots play a negative role. In order to further optimize the spatial pattern of forest resources in Hunan Province, effective control of forest resources is to focus on the research units that have room for improvement (space effect strength less than 0.5) and greater impact on the overall spatial pattern (node ​​value is above 5) . In order to further reveal the regularity of spatial distribution of forest resources, future research should explore the direction of the forces acting on each node in the evolution of forest resources, so as to find out the key nodes and key rights of Hunan forest resources spatial network.
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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield