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随着地铁工程在轨道交通中占据着越来越重要的地位,地铁工程的质量管理也逐渐被人们所重视起来,但是由于地铁工程在建设过程中需要消耗的人力和物力都非常巨大,同时在实际操作中所需要的技术也是非常专业的,所以在如此严苛的要求之下,要保证地铁工程施工的质量所遇到的问题就非常多,而此时对于BIM技术的引进无疑是对地铁工程施工质量的管理带来了非常大的帮助。 With the subway project occupying an increasingly important position in the rail transit, the quality management of the subway project has gradually been taken seriously by people. However, due to the enormous manpower and material resources consumed by the subway project in the process of construction, The technology needed in actual operation is also very professional, so under such harsh requirements, to ensure the quality of subway construction encountered many problems, but at this time for the introduction of BIM technology is undoubtedly the Metro The quality of construction management has brought great help.
日前,越南最大的鱼粉厂开始正式运营,该鱼粉厂位于越南南部的金瓯省陈文时县。据报道,该厂投资300万美元,配备了先进的欧洲技术,每年可生产鱼粉3万吨。工厂董事Phan Hoa Hiep
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The aim of the present study is to detect the potential of the base population from diallel crosses of eight introduced strains of the Pacific white shrimp(Lito
This study was conducted in Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa and Delta States of the Niger Delta, Nigeria. It examined the level of adoption of aquaculture technologies by Fa