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2017年《艺术教育》1-6月上、下半月刊以合刊刊出。从7期始,下月刊独立刊出。《艺术教育》杂志是大型综合艺术类核心期刊,以推动艺术教育事业发展、促进中外艺术教育交流为宗旨,发布国家艺术教育政策,传播中外艺术教育成就,总结艺术院校管理、教学、科研成果,引领艺术教育培训与创新发展。自1979年创刊以来,《艺术教育》杂志历经并参与了中国艺术教育事业发展、改革的进程,立足全国教育系统,为全国各大、专院校及热爱艺术、关心艺术教育发展的各界人士提供了开放的交流平台。本刊立足学校艺术教育,并不断向社会艺术教育领域开拓。在内容上,不论是 2017 “Art Education” January-June, the second half of the monthly publication with a joint. Starting from the 7th, the next issue of the monthly publication. Art Education magazine is a core journals of large-scale integrated arts. It aims to promote the development of arts education and promote the exchange of Chinese and foreign art education. It also publishes the national arts education policy, disseminates the achievements of Chinese and foreign art education, and summarizes the management, teaching and research results of art colleges and universities , Leading the art education and training and innovation and development. Since its publication in 1979, Art Education magazine has gone through and participated in the development of China’s art education and the process of reform. Based on the national education system, Art Education magazine has provided education to people from all walks of life in all major colleges and universities, those who love art and are concerned about the development of art education The open exchange platform. Articles based on school art education, and continue to open up the field of social arts education. In the content, either
<正> 南郑黎坪,这个大自然鬼斧神工造就的一块诗话世界,如一颗明珠,镶嵌在秦巴深处,集雄奇、险峻之气势,凝秀丽、灵光之神韵,奇峰林立,古木葱茏,四季如画,胜境迭出。 让我们
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