
来源 :中国物价 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:danielddy
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广汉是四川省最早进行改革的市县,是全国农村综合经济体制改革试验区之一,也是四川省价格改革超前试点县。一、“七五”期间几项重要改革试验 (一) 放开菜肉购销价格,对职工补贴由暗改明。广汉于1983年和1986年将蔬菜和猪肉购销价格放开,产销直接见面,随行就市,把食品公司、蔬菜公司推向市场,实行国营企业为主体的多渠道经营,逐步形成有序的竞争市场。为了不影响城镇居民生活,实行了与价格变动挂钩的物价补贴的配套改革,将菜肉补贴由暗改明,死补改为活补,把补多头改为直接补给消费者一头,增加透明度,补贴资金来源由财政和企业分流负担。这一改 Guanghan is one of the earliest cities and counties in Sichuan Province to carry out reforms. It is one of the experimental areas for comprehensive rural economic reforms in the country, and it is also Sichuan’s pilot county for price reforms. I. Several important reform trials during the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period (I) Let go of the purchase and sale price of vegetable meat and change the subsidy for workers. In 1983 and 1986, Guanghan liberalized the purchase and sale prices of vegetables and pork. Production and sales went directly to meet the needs of the market, brought food companies and vegetable companies to the market, implemented state-owned enterprises as the mainstay of multi-channel operations, and gradually formed an orderly competitive market. In order not to affect the life of urban residents, the reform of the price subsidy linked to the price changes has been implemented. The vegetable meat subsidies have been changed from dark to bright, and nourishment has been changed to livelihood, and the replacement of long heads has been directly replenished to consumers to increase transparency. Sources of subsidy funds are borne by fiscal and enterprise diversions. This change
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