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近年研究所知,著者于50年代提出的地洼区具有重要的成矿作用。本文据较新的研究结果,作一简要总结。中国东部的地洼区属华夏型,其主要内生矿种为与酸性、中性以至碱性岩有关的有色金属(特别是钨锡钼锌锑等)、稀有金属、稀土金属及放射性元素。此外,煤、油气也丰富。内生矿床类型主要有接触交代型、斑岩型、爆发岩筒型、陆相火山岩型及热水型。外生矿床具有自身的特点。以煤为例,受地洼盆地控制,常可具有大的总厚度,因此可以在小面积内藏有巨大的储量。油气田以块断型及拱裂型为多见;任邱式古汗山型油藏是一特式。更重要的成矿特点是矿床的综合性、多样性和复杂性。由于矿产的继承性及成矿递进性明显,成矿迭加作用常形成了矿产的“多代同堂”现象。“多因复成矿床”常见,已知包括三个模式:迭加富化、改造富化及再造富集。每一模式中又可分为若干形成方式,产生于不同的大地构造条件,各受相应大地构造成矿规律的控制。 In recent years, the study shows that the diwave region presented by the author in the 1950s has an important metallogeny. This article based on the more recent research results, make a brief summary. The depression in the eastern part of China belongs to the Chinese summer type. The main endophytic minerals are non-ferrous metals (especially tungsten, tin, molybdenum, zinc, antimony and the like), rare metals, rare earth metals and radioactive elements related to acid, neutral and alkaline rocks. In addition, coal, oil and gas are also abundant. The types of endogenous deposits are contact metasomatism, porphyry type, explosive rock tube type, continental volcanic rock type and hot water type. Exogenous deposits have their own characteristics. Taking coal as an example, controlled by a dipping basin, it can often have a large total thickness, so it can have a huge reserve in a small area. Oil and gas fields to the block fault and arch cracking is more common; Ren Qiushi Khan Shan reservoir is a special type. The more important mineralization is the comprehensiveness, diversity and complexity of the deposit. Due to the inheritance of minerals and obvious progressing of ore-forming, the superimposition of mineralization often forms the phenomenon of “multiple generations of the same type of mineral”. The “multi-factor complex deposits” are common and are known to include three modes: stacking, enrichment, enrichment and re-enrichment. Each model can be divided into several forms, resulting from different tectonic conditions, each controlled by the corresponding geotectonic mineralization laws.
今年,江苏负面风波叠加厚积,然而场上球员却让我们看到了脱胎换骨的变化:过去,江苏面对实力悬殊的对手是未战心怯;今年战新疆,江苏球员有了不再相信宿命,只相信拼命的顽强作风。这种心理变化是易立们未来冲冠必备的职业操守;这是江苏俱乐部更迭总经理之后立竿见影的蜕变。这给了江苏球迷一个希望,给了江苏球迷一点信心——易立们是冲着总冠军去的,他们没有再放弃比赛!  东莞德比战,杜锋在最后26秒传球失误,给东莞新
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