
来源 :试题与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianxiaowei2030
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物质结构与元素周期律是中学化学教材中重要的基础理论,知识内容丰富,规律性强。近几年高考命题比较注重该知识点的考查,主要涉及原子结构与同位素、元素周期表的结构与应用、元素周期律的迁移应用、元素周期表中“位、构、性”的关系等,题型以选择题和填空题为主,考查同学们的综合分析能力、逻辑推理能力和迁移应用能力。下面结合高考试题,就如何复习好物质结构与 The material structure and the elemental periodicity law are important basic theories in chemistry textbooks for middle schools. They have rich knowledge and regularity. In recent years, the college entrance examination proposition has paid more attention to the examination of this knowledge, mainly involving the relationship between the atomic structure and isotope, the structure and application of the periodic table, the application of the periodic law of the elements, and the “position, structure, and sex” of the periodic table of elements. For example, the question type is based on multiple-choice questions and fill-in questions, and examines the students’ comprehensive analysis ability, logical reasoning ability, and migration application ability. The following combination of high test questions on how to review material structure and
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