菌痢的特异性免疫只能用口服免疫建立,而非肠道途径至今尚未获得肯定的效果。因此,不少人认为存在某种形式的肠道局部免疫,而这种免疫力又与肠道分泌性抗体(SIgA)有着密切的关系。继 Reed 证实了特异性 SIgA 具有预防痢
Bacillary dysentery specific immunity can only be established with oral immunization, and non-intestinal route has not been affirmed the effect. Therefore, many people think that there is some form of intestinal local immunity, and this immunity and intestinal secreted antibodies (SIgA) are closely related. Following Reed confirmed that specific SIgA has preventative diarrhea