Recently, breeders are increasingly paying attention to new ways to apply mutagenic factors to create raw materials that are designed to dramatically increase variability and increase opportunities for manual selection. In a variety of crops, the use of chemical mutagens has yielded many economically valuable mutants such as: precocious, late-maturing, anti-fungal diseases and pea types with increased protein content in the seeds; the pod site of the lower pods High-yielding beans; premature double-ear and dwarf maize; cotton bolls and cotton bolls with high fiber yield; barley and wheat lines of high yield, precocious, non-lodging; dwarf big spikes, ; Wheatgrass-wheat hybrids with high yielding lodging resistance, stripe rust resistance and powdery mildew; cucurbit without early male flowers with short vines; late-maturing lettuce mutants with leafy leaves; grassy mildew with high flavor and dry matter content, etc. .