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我国建筑普遍存在能耗大、效率低、围护结构的保温隔热性能差等问题,而围护结构能耗是建筑能耗中占比最大的部分。建筑围护结构是室内环境与室外环境的联系纽带,是建筑物内、外环境进行热量交换的主要通道,所以减少墙体能耗是减少建筑能耗的主要方法之一。但是传统墙体传热系数固定不变,不利于昼夜温差大的严寒地区及时利用空气的温度进行散热和得热。本文提出了温度补偿墙体墙体,在建筑内、外环境传热驱动温差发生变化时,墙体可以及时的增加“有益”传热,减少“有害”传热,以达到有效的降低建筑物能耗的目的,并应用CFD软件包Fluent通过对温度补偿墙体系统进行了简化,研究了温度补偿墙体在不同双金属片曲率,不同变热阻层厚度及不同双金属片间距时热工特性,为后续的实验研究奠定了基础。 China’s buildings generally have the problems of large energy consumption, low efficiency and poor insulation performance of the envelope, while the energy consumption of the envelope is the largest part of the building’s energy consumption. Building envelope structure is the connection between indoor environment and outdoor environment. It is the main channel for heat exchange between the inside and outside of buildings. Therefore, reducing the energy consumption of the wall is one of the main ways to reduce the building energy consumption. However, the traditional wall heat transfer coefficient is fixed, is not conducive to the large temperature difference between day and night cold areas in time the use of air temperature for heat and heat. In this paper, the wall temperature compensation wall is proposed. When the temperature difference between heat transfer inside and outside the building is changed, the wall can be increased in time to reduce the heat transfer and reduce the harmful effect of heat transfer. The purpose of reducing the energy consumption of buildings and the CFD software package Fluent is adopted to simplify the temperature compensation wall system. The effects of temperature compensation on the curvature of different bimetallic plates, the thickness of different thermal resistance layers and different bimetallic plates The thermal characteristics of the pitch, laid the foundation for the follow-up experimental study.
分析综合性医院老年病人认知功能异常的检出率、特点及其影响因素。方法 :取 1997年 1月 15日上海甘泉医院住院病人 (年龄≥ 6 0岁 ) 16 4例。调查工具为中文版简易智能状态
研究带增益自举结构的高速、高增益跨导运算放大器,并对增益自举运放建立数学模型和进行Mat-lab仿真验证.将设计的运算放大器应用于12bit 100MSPS模数转换器(ADC)中,可得到辅助