CIS-Based Mapping and Zonation of Landslide Hazards in Xiaojiang Valley of Southwestern China

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dhlwcg
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Through the field survey, previous researches and interpretation of aerial photos, a landslide information database of Xiaojiang Valley, Yunnan Province was set up based on the remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) technologies. In the paper, a quantitative model for the landslide hazard assessment and zoning was presented, in which the potential energy could be obtained on basis of thorough analysis of the potential sliding volume, distance and direction of the landslide body. Taking landslide potential energy as the index of the hazard severity zonation, the study area was divided into severe, heavy, medium and light hazard zones. Through the field survey, previous researches and interpretation of aerial photos, a landslide information database of Xiaojiang Valley, Yunnan Province was set up based on the remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) technologies. In the paper, a quantitative model for the landslide hazard assessment and zoning was presented, in which the potential energy could be obtained on basis of thorough analysis of the potential sliding volume, distance and direction of the landslide body. the study area was divided into severe, heavy, medium and light hazard zones.
目的 探讨脊椎干骺端发育异常(SMD)的临床、X线表现及其病因.方法 回顾性分析5例SMD患者资料.所有病例均行X线检查.结果 男4例,女1例,年龄4~15岁.均表现为发育迟缓,身材矮小,主要是躯干短,步履蹒跚,合并脊柱侧弯2例,脊柱后凸1例,双膝外翻2例.X线所见主要为多发干骺端骨化不良和扁平椎,骨骺正常,按2001年世界卫生组织分型:Ⅰ型2例、Ⅱ型1例、Ⅲ型2例.结论 当遇到发育迟缓、身材矮小
患儿男,4 d,因34周早产,发热1 d伴疱疹入院.患儿母孕33周出现腹痛,伴少量阴道血性分泌物,在妇产科给予保胎治疗,并使用地塞米松治疗1周,出现羊水早破,分娩出一男婴.
在生长LiNbO_3的熔体中掺进1%(摩尔分数,下同)的Ho_2O_3和分别掺入1%,4%,5% MgO,用提拉法生长Mg:Ho:LiNbO_3晶体。测量了晶体的光谱性能和抗激光损伤能力。结果表明:5%Mg:1%H